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The Chesterfield to Willington stage 1, non-statutory consultation is now closed. It began on Tuesday 14 May 2024 and ended at 11.59pm on Tuesday 17 September 2024.

The Stage 1 consultation was designed to introduce our proposals and gain your early feedback. This stage was called a ‘non-statutory’ consultation as it is in addition to the statutory consultation we will carry out later in the process, where we will finalise our proposals and prepare our application for development consent.

Interactive map 

You can use our interactive map to input your postcode to determine the nearest sections to you. 

View interactive map

Flythrough of route 

Watch our flythrough video of the route. 

Programme Documents

Under the PINS Pre-application Service, applicants are to produce and maintain a ‘Programme Document’ that is published on the website. This sets out the main steps that National Grid will take during the preparation of the application. This document will be updated as the Project progresses.