An engineer wearing hard hat and PPE walking inside London Power Tunnels

Responsible business fundamentals

Be a responsible business in our operations

Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)
Total network reliability
National Grid Partners investment in emerging technologies/research and development

Our journey so far

We are committed to being a responsible business in our operations. Every day, we safely and reliably connect millions of people to energy, prioritise resilience and operate responsibly. We aim to continue to deliver on what is expected of us and to be a compliant and ethical business in everything we do by promoting human rights, fair pay and ethical business practices. We invest in technology and governance, monitor security and risks and advocate for responsible business practices.

Our responsible business fundamentals are the foundation of our Responsible Business Charter pillars, which covers governance and other activities that are essential to operating our business the right way, every day.

This year we maintained network reliability for our customers, updated our Code of Ethics, implemented a ‘Speak-up’ policy and launched an e-learning training programme to foster an ethical culture.

Our commitments

We are:

  • committed to safely, reliably and efficiently connecting millions of people to the energy we use
  • building resilience into our operations
  • continuing to influence our supply chain to operate as responsible businesses
  • fair to our suppliers and committed to paying them promptly
  • delivering against our Human Rights policy to ensure that we promote and respect the human rights of everyone working for us, or on our behalf, ensuring that they can expect decent working conditions, with the ability to work freely and receive fair pay in return
  • committed to being a compliant and ethical business in everything we do
  • continuing to invest in developing technologies and innovations that benefit our customers and wider society
  • continuing to ensure we have appropriate governance in place to deliver our responsible business commitments
  • ensuring security and risks, cyber and physical, are appropriately monitored
  • committed to working with stakeholders and the wider industry to advocate for action and broader influence on responsible business topics.

Our areas of responsible business

We have identified the other key areas where we can really make a difference by ensuring responsibility is woven through everything we do.

Woman wearing hard hat and orange high-vis jacket looking at tablet in green field with pylons

Our environment

Deliver a clean energy future

Man and a woman wearing a high-vis vest looking at a tablet

Our customers and communities

Support a fair and affordable transition

National Grid colleagues wearing PPE and bumping fists at Newtown Creek in NY

Our people

Build the net zero workforce