On this page, you'll find guidance and support for working near our electricity transmission assets, including overhead lines and underground cables.
Are you proposing, scheduling, or designing developments close to our electricity transmission assets? Our electricity assets include overhead lines, pylons, underground cables, and transmission substations.
For electrical assets, we do not authorise or agree safe systems of work with developers and contractors. However, we will advise on issues such as electrical safety clearances and the location of towers and cables. We also work with developers to minimise the impact of any of our assets that are nearby.
You can find out more about the basic safety and location of our assets by downloading our guidance document for working near electricity equipment.
If you spot a potential hazard on or near an overhead electricity line (metal lattice towers) please call the 24-hour electricity emergency helpline:
Follow these steps:
Are you a developer wishing to work with National Grid to acquire rights over our land? You can find out more by downloading our guidance document and appendices below.
The guidance explains the process for securing land rights over non-operational land owned by NGET (leasehold/freehold and/or cable rights), the high-level design principles for development of land in proximity to operational electricity transmission assets, common land constraints (including our Compensation and Restoration Principles to protect and enhance the natural environment) to be aware of and requirements in relation to planning applications and use of permitted development rights.
The guidance also outlines the process for securing rights within our operational land, documented via Interface Agreements.
Guidance note on the use of National Grid Electricity Transmission land
Guidance note on the use of National Grid Electricity Transmission land Appendices
If you have any questions or need more information about working near our network assets, please contact the National Grid Asset Protection team or submit an enquiry via the Linesearch website.
Linesearch provides search facilities for our assets so you can:
Phone: 0800 001 4282 (Asset Protection)
Email: [email protected]
For domestic enquiries, such as metering or power cuts, please contact your local electricity distribution operator, which can be found on the ENA website.