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Yorkshire GREEN


Yorkshire GREEN



On this page you can view the latest news and updates on the project. You can also see the latest consultation report that's been produced and click through to the Planning Inspectorate’s website to view the documents from the Development Consent application and the examination process.

If you'd like to view a document that's not on this page, or on the Planning Inspectorate’s page, please get in touch.


Latest news

Couple walking a dog down a green lane with a pylon in the background

Government gives National Grid’s Yorkshire GREEN project the green light

In March 2024, the previous Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, Claire Coutinho, granted a development consent order (DCO) for the Yorkshire GREEN Energy Enablement project, meaning National Grid has approval to begin construction to upgrade and reinforce the high-voltage power network between York, North Yorkshire and areas east of Leeds, West Yorkshire.

Read article

Consultation documents

You can continue to view our consultation documents and materials to help you learn more about the Yorkshire GREEN project.

Please note that information was correct at the time of publication and our plans have now been updated as part of our Development Consent application and through the examination process. All documents relating to the final application and updates through the examination process can be found on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.

Statutory Consultation - Preliminary Environmental Impact Report (PEIR)

The documents that make up the Preliminary Environmental Impact Report (PEIR), including a Non Technical Summary, appendices and figures,  for the Yorkshire GREEN project can be found below:

Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Glossary and Abbreviations
Non Technical Summary
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Non Technical Summary
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Non Technical Summary Figure 1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Non Technical Summary Figure 2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Non Technical Summary Figure 3
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Non Technical Summary Figure 4
Chapter 1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 1 Introduction
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 1A List of Competent Persons
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 1 Figure 1.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 1 Figure 1.2
Chapter 2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 2 Project Need and Alternatives
Chapter 3
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 3 Description of the Project
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 3 Figure 3.3
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 3 Figure 3.6
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 3 Figure 3.7
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 3 Figure 3.8
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 3 Figure 3.9
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 3 Figure 3.10
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 3 Figure 3.11
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 3 Figure 3.12
Chapter 4
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 4 Approach to preparing the PEIR
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 4A Scoping Opinion Responses
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 4B Climate Change Technical Note
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 4C Cumulative Effects Assessment
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 4 Figure 4.1
Chapter 5
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 5 Legislative and Policy Overview
Chapter 6
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Landscape and Visual
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendices 6A-6E Landscape and Visual Amenity
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendices 6F-6G Landscape and Visual Amenity
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.3
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.4
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.5
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.6
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.7
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.8
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.9
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.10
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.11
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.12
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.13
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.14
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.15
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.16
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.17
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.18
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.19
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.20
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.21
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.22
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.23
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.24
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.25
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.26
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 6 Figure 6.27
Chapter 7
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 7 Historic Environment
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 7A Historic Environment Desk Based Assessment
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 7 Figure 7.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 7 Figure 7.2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 7 Figure 7.3
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 7 Figure 7.4
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 7 Figure 7.5
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 7A Historic Environment Figure 1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 7A Historic Environment Figure 2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 7A Historic Environment Figure 3
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 7A Historic Environment Figure 4
Chapter 8
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 8 Biodiversity
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 8A Scoping of Assessment Summary
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 8B Natural England Meeting Minutes
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 8C Extended Phase 1 Habitat Report
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 8D Confidential Badger Report
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 8 Figure 8.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 8 Figure 8.2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 8 Figure 8.3
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 8 Figure 8.4
Chapter 9
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 9 Hydrology and Flood Risk
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 9A Conservation Sites Screening
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 9B WFD Waterbody Status and Objectives
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 9C Infrastructure Located within WFD Waterbody
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 9D Flood Risk Assessment
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 9 Figure 9.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 9 Figure 9.2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 9 Figure 9.3
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 9 Figure 9.4
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 9 Figure 9.5
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 9 Figure 9.6
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 9 Figure 9.7
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 9 Figure 9.8
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 9 Figure 9.9
Chapter 10
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 10 Geology and Hydrogeology
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 10A Walkover Survey Records
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 10B Physical Effects on Groundwater
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 10C UXO Reports
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 10D Hydrogeology Water Framework Directive (WFD) Assessment
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 10 Figure 10.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 10 Figure 10.2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 10 Figure 10.3
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 10 Figure 10.4
Chapter 11
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 11 Agriculture and Soils
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 11 Figure 11.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 11 Figure 11.2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 11 Figure 11.3
Chapter 12
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Traffic and Transport
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12A CTMP
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12B PROWMP
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12C Traffic Data Tables
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Figure 12.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Figure 12.2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Figure 12.3
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Figure 12.4
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Figure 12.5
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Figure 12.6
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Figure 12.7
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Figure 12.8
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Figure 12.9
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Figure 12.10
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Figure 12.11
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Figure 12.12
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 12 Figure 12.13
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12A CTMP Figure 2.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12A CTMP Figure 2.2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12A CTMP Figure 3
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12A CTMP Figure 4.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12A CTMP Figure 4.2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12A CTMP Figure 5.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12A CTMP Figure 5.2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12A CTMP Figure 5.3
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12A CTMP Figure 6.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12A CTMP Figure 6.2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12B PROW MP Figure 2.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12B PROW MP Figure 2.2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 12B PROW MP Figure 2.3
Chapter 13
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 13 Air Quality
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Appendix 13A IAQM Construction Dust Assessment Methodology Tables
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 13 Figure 13.1
Chapter 14
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 14 Noise and Vibration
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 14 Figure 14.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 14 Figure 14.2
Chapter 15
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 15 Health and Wellbeing
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 15 Figure 15.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 15 Figure 15.2
Chapter 16
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 16 Socio-economics
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 16 Figure 16.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Chapter 16 Figure 16.2
PEIR Photo Viewpoints
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint Locations List
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 2a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 2b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 3a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 3b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 4a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 4b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 5a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 5b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 5c
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 6a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 6b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 7a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 7b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 8a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 8b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 9a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 9b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 10a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 10b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 11
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 12
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 13a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 13b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 13c
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 13d
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 14a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 14b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 14c
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 14d
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 14e
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 14f
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 15a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 15b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 15c
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 15d
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 16a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 16b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 16c
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 16d
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 17a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 17b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 18a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 18b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 19
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 20
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 21a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 21b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 22
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 23a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 23b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 24
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 25a
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 25b
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 25c
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 25d
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 26
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 27
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 28
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Viewpoint 29
PEIR Draft HRA Screening Report
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Draft HRA Screening Report
PEIR Preliminary Arboricultural Impact Assessment
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR Preliminary AIA Report
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR AIA Report Figure 1.1
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR AIA Report Figure 1.2
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR AIA Report Figure 1.3
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR AIA Report Figure 1.4
Yorkshire GREEN PEIR AIA Report Figure 2

Statutory Consultation - Photo viewpoints


If you are a local landowner, and you have any queries with regard to the Yorkshire GREEN project, please contact our lands team, or by phoning  0845 437 7357, providing your details.