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Yorkshire GREEN


Yorkshire GREEN



Construction has now begun, with new infrastructure expected to be operational in 2027 and final works and reinstatement anticipated to be complete by the end of 2028. 

Construction work will be phased across the different areas which form Yorkshire GREEN. You can find out more about the work happening in different areas by looking at our interactive map. 

View interactive map

Which contractors are working on Yorkshire GREEN?

Morrison Energy Services (MES) has been selected to deliver the new overhead line and existing overhead line refurbishment; Murphy Power Networks (Murphy) will deliver two new substations in Overton and Monk Fryston; and Hyosung and Hyundai will supply transformers to the substations and cable sealing end compounds (a component that joins underground cables with overhead lines).

We are working very closely with our contractors to communicate the work they are undertaking. 

Latest updates


Update on preparatory works

Preparatory works for Yorkshire GREEN have progressed well since they began in autumn 2024 and we would like to thank you for your patience and cooperation while we have been undertaking these works. 

We are pleased to report that the National Cycle Network Route 65 diversion between Overton Road and Station Lane is now open and will remain in place throughout the construction period.

We will carry on with our preparatory works for the first few months of 2025. These will enable us to begin the main works in spring 2025.


Upcoming works in 2025

We will continue with our preparatory works for the first few months of 2025, our preparatory works will include:

  • finishing our bellmouths and access tracks
  • installing pylon foundations
  • clearing vegetation to improve sight lines for vehicles
  • widening a section of Overton Road to enable access for large vehicles
  • completing the Overton Substation and Monk Fryston Substation compounds.

Our team are doing all they can to minimise any inconvenience caused by our works, however, given the nature of the activity, it is likely that there will continue to be some disruption in areas we are carrying out our works. 


Upcoming and existing traffic management

To ensure the safe and timely completion of our preparatory works, we will need to put some traffic management measures in place around the areas we are working in. You can also view upcoming and existing traffic management on our interactive map.

These include:

Corban Lane, Shipton – Monday 10 March until Monday 24 March 2025

To allow us to construct our access track to the field we are working within, there will be a lane closure on Corban Lane, Shipton near the entrance to Newlands Farm. 

The lane closure will be in place between Monday 10 March until Monday 24  March 2025 from 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday.

Temporary traffic lights will be in place to maintain two-way traffic flow. Outside of these hours the lane closure will be removed, if safe to do so. There may be occasions when the lane closure will need to stay in place to ensure the safety of all road users. We will also open the road if the closure is not needed on a particular day. 

Newthorpe Lane, B1222, Sherburn in Elmet – Monday 10 March until Monday 24 March 2025

To allow us to construct our access track to the field we are working within, there will be a lane closure on Newthorpe Lane, B1222, Sherburn in Elmet at the junction with Hall Lane.

The lane closure will be in place between Monday 10 March until Monday 24  March 2025 from 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday.

Temporary traffic lights will be in place to maintain three-way traffic flow. Outside of these hours the lane closure will be removed, if safe to do so. There may be occasions when the lane closure will need to stay in place to ensure the safety of all road users. We will also open the road if the closure is not needed on a particular day. 


Stone deliveries in Overton and Monk Fryston

If you live in the Overton and Monk Fryston areas, you may have already noticed vehicles in the area delivering stone to our compounds. From Thursday 2 January 2025, the number of these deliveries to our site will increase for a period of between six to eight weeks. To minimise inconvenience, we are: 

  • instructing delivery drivers to access our sites via approved routes and follow directional road signage
  • phasing our deliveries and holding delivery vehicles on site to reduce the number of vehicles on the roads. 

Given there may be some delays as a result of more vehicles on the road, we would encourage you to plan your journeys ahead and/or use an alternative route to make sure you can reach your destination on time. 

If you experience any issues while stone deliveries are ongoing, please get in touch with our Community Relations Team. 

Contact the team

If you have a question, you can contact us in the following ways:

Email us: [email protected]

Call our Freephone number: 0800 029 4359

Write to us: FREEPOST Yorkshire GREEN (please note that you do not need a stamp)

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