Like much of the high voltage electricity transmission network across the country, the electricity transmission network is limited to the north and south of Lincolnshire.
In North East Lincolnshire, the network was initially developed to supply demand in and around Grimsby and the South Humber Bank, with the network extending into the area from Keadby on the Trent Valley to Grimsby West.
In the late 1990s, a further high-voltage electricity transmission line was added between Grimsby and Keadby, when gas-fired power stations were built on the South Humber Bank and that area started to export electricity out of the region.
To the south of Grimsby and the South Humber Bank, the 400 kV network mostly lies outside Lincolnshire, in the Trent Valley. There, it was built to carry electricity on to the rest of the country from power stations in the Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire coal fields. Today power still flows largely north to south on this part of the network.
In south Lincolnshire, a new substation was built at Bicker Fen in the 1990s to meet increased demand on the local distribution network. Bicker Fen is also a point on the network where renewable energy from onshore and offshore wind is connected. Viking Link, an interconnector with Denmark is also connected there.
Large parts of the region, including the main population centres at Scunthorpe, Lincoln, Boston and Skegness, the coastal towns and the more dispersed towns and villages, receive their electricity supplies from the lower voltage distribution networks. In North Lincolnshire, the local distribution network is owned and operated by Northern Powergrid and connects to the transmission network at Keadby, Grimsby West and West Burton. In south Lincolnshire, the distribution network is owned and operated by National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED) and connects to the transmission network at Bicker Fen and Sutton Bridge. In Cambridgeshire and Norfolk, the distribution network operator is UK Power Networks and connects to the transmission network at Walpole.
The extent of the existing electricity transmission network (the blue lines on the map) is therefore very limited. There is no transmission network across most of the eastern half of Lincolnshire.
The high voltage electricity transmission network in England and Wales operates largely at 400 kV and 275 kV. It connects separately owned generators, interconnectors, large demand users fed directly from the transmission system and the lower voltage distribution networks.
Most lines of pylons on the network carry two electrical circuits. The network is planned and operated under a set of standards designed to ensure there are no widespread electricity supply interruptions, even if two circuits are out of service.
For example, if one circuit is switched out for planned maintenance and another is impacted by a fault at the same time, the Security and Quality of Supply Standard is designed to ensure:
ESO oversees the standards that we maintain on the system; however, they are approved by a Security and Quality of Supply Standard panel and Ofgem.
With growing offshore wind and interconnectors, an anticipated tripling of wind generation connected across the Scottish networks by 2030 and Government’s increased ambition to connect 50 GW of offshore wind by 2030, north–south power flows are set to increase. National Grid ESO in the Electricity Ten Year Statement anticipates that the network between the North and the Midlands needs to be capable of transferring around 25.9 GW of electricity by 2033, compared to 11.6 GW that it can transfer today.
Where power flows from one part of the network to another exceed the capability of the network across what we call ‘transmission boundaries’, one of two things needs to happen.
The System Operator might pay generators to reduce the energy they produce in one part of the country while paying others elsewhere to generate. These payments are called ‘constraint payments’. Balancing the network in this way can temporarily manage power flows where network capability is insufficient, but increases operation costs, as more expensive generation is brought on. This can be an economic way to manage the network up to a point, if constraint costs are not disproportionate. Where constraint costs are substantial, the network becomes uneconomic to operate. It then becomes necessary to invest in increasing network capability.
The existing network serving the South Humber Bank area is already exporting significant amounts of power, which contributes to the North to Midlands power flow challenge on the existing network. Elsewhere across most of the eastern half of Lincolnshire, where new sources of electricity are planned to come ashore, there is no existing electricity transmission infrastructure.
Peak demand for electricity in the region in 2022 was 785 MW according to results in the Future Energy Scenarios 2023 report by ESO for the Leading the Way scenario for North East Lincolnshire, East Lindsey District, Boston Borough, South Holland District and Fenland District Council areas. Towards the end of this decade, electricity demand in the region is forecast to be slightly lower than it is today, at around 764 MW in 2030, before starting to rise thereafter to 823 MW by 2032.
Table 1 Proposed new connections in the region
Project name | Type | Capacity (MW) | Connection year | New substation |
Race Bank Extension | Offshore wind | 565 MW | 2030 | Lincolnshire connection substation A/B |
Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Project | Offshore wind | 1,500 MW | 2030 | Weston Marsh |
EcoGrimsbyWest | Energy storage/solar | 249 MW | 2031 | Grimsby West |
Mablethorpe Storage | Storage/CCGT | 1,500 MW | 2031 | Lincolnshire connection substation A/B |
Aminth Energy Ltd | Interconnector | 1,400 MW | 2031 | Lincolnshire connection substation A/B |
SENECA (Nu-link) | Interconnector | 1,200 MW | 2031 | Lincolnshire connection substation A/B |
Mablethorpe Green Energy Centre | Energy storage/Solar | 1,025 MW | 2033 | Lincolnshire connection substation A/B |
Walpole Flexible Generation | Energy storage/CCGT | 2,000 MW | 2033 | Walpole |
Spalding PV & BESS Station | Energy storage/Solar | 480 MW | 2033 | Weston Marsh |
Holbeach Marsh Energy Park | Energy storage/Solar | 750 MW | 2033 | Weston Marsh |
Carbon Free 2030 | Energy storage/Solar | 500 MW | 2034 | Grimsby West |
Stallingborough PV & BESS | Energy storage/Solar | 500MW | 2034 | Grimsby West |
EcoMablethorpe | Energy storage/solar | 249 MW | 2034 | Lincolnshire connection substation A/B |
Stallingborough Carbon Capture CCGT | Energy Storage/CCGT | 906 MW | 2035 | Grimsby West |
Total |
| 12,824 MW |
In addition, Table 2 lists several high-voltage direct current (HVDC) subsea links that are planned to come ashore and connect to substations in the region.
Table 2 Proposed HVDC subsea links
Project name | Type | Capacity (MW) | Connection year | Connection location |
Offshore HVDC Link (HND1) (from North Sea windfarms) | HVDC link | 1,800 MW | 2030 | Lincolnshire Connection substation A or B |
Eastern Green Link 3 (from Peterhead in Scotland) | HVDC link | 2,000 MW | 2033 | An option to form a three-ended circuit at Lincolnshire Connection substation A or B and the new Walpole Substation |
Eastern Green Link 4 (from the Westfield area in Scotland) | HVDC link | 2,000 MW | 2033 | An option to form a three-ended circuit at Lincolnshire Connection substation A or B and the new Walpole Substation |
| 5,800 MW |
With no reinforcements, the network would not have the capacity needed to export all that electricity out of the area across both the B8 and B9 boundaries. We therefore need to reinforce our network::
to maintain system compliance and prevent circuit overloads from happening; and
to connect proposed new sources of electricity in locations where the electricity transmission network does not extend today.
Before building new lines, we look first at whether we can carry out works to our existing network to deliver more power carrying capability. Work to derive more capability out of the existing network across transmission boundary B8 is planned in the next decade, including:
When replacing the wires (conductors) on overhead lines, it is sometimes possible to do that on existing pylons with new wires that can carry more power – and sometimes with wires that can be operated at a higher temperature allowing more power to be transported. That is what we are doing with the first two schemes. Power control devices are equipment that allow more power to be directed to flow along parts of the network that have some additional capacity.
While those works will increase the boundary transfer capability across boundary B8 to around 14 GW, they will not be sufficient to accommodate the north–south power flows that are expected on the network. Up to around 29 GW of boundary transfer capability is needed by 2033 across the B8 boundary to account for increasing offshore wind generation interconnectors.
Work to derive more capability out of the existing network across transmission boundary B9 is planned in the next decade, including:
While those works will increase the boundary transfer capability across boundary B9 to around 15.6 GW, they will not be sufficient to accommodate the north–south power flows that are expected on the network. Around 22.4 GW of boundary transfer capability is needed by 2033 across the B9 boundary with increasing offshore wind and interconnectors.
Every year ESO looks at how much energy needs to be carried on the network in the future and where network capability needs to be improved to accommodate that.
In summer 2022, a refreshed NOA was published alongside the System Operator’s Pathway to 2030 Holistic Network Design (HND), setting out a blueprint for the connection of the offshore wind needed to meet the Government’s 2030 targets.
In planning and operating the network, transmission licence holders – onshore and offshore – are required by their licence to comply with the National Electricity Transmission System Security and Quality of Supply Standards (NETS SQSS). These set out criteria and methodologies for planning and operating the transmission network in the UK – in essence, minimum requirements designed to ensure secure and stable electricity supplies.
The NOA 2021/22 Refresh was published in July 2022; it updated an annual report from ESO which outlines its recommendations for which network reinforcement projects need to be taken forward and when. The report also recommends the most economically suitable investment strategy for these reinforcements and outlines the pathway to 2030 and beyond.
This project, along with others, is a priority because the Midlands, South and East of England – which covers areas spanning from the Humber in the North to East Anglia and the Thames Estuary in the south – have been identified as areas in need of network reinforcement to enable the connection of more offshore wind on the East Coast.
The System Operator has identified this and other reinforcements in NOA as ‘HND essential’ to deliver the Pathway to 2030 Holistic Network Design – connecting offshore wind needed to meet the Government’s offshore target for 2030. The System Operator also advises in NOA that the reinforcement needs to be accelerated to help meet Government’s 2030 offshore wind target.
Grimsby to Walpole therefore forms an important part of our plans for this region – helping increase power flows from the North to the Midlands and facilitating the connection of solar and offshore wind interconnectors.
Our approach to developing new electricity transmission proposals includes the following key stages:
The Strategic Proposal stage involves identifying potential options that will meet the need to reinforce the network that has been identified by the System Operator and provide physical connection points for customers in and around the local area. Thereafter, at the Options Identification and Selection stage, we look at potential corridors where the proposed new infrastructure might be most appropriately located. This is the stage that we are currently at.
We have identified a strategic option and an emerging preferred corridor that meets the network reinforcement requirement. We are sharing information about those early so that we can consider everyone’s feedback as we further develop our proposals. You can read more about how we develop our proposals at the project development and delivery stage in
Our Approach to Consenting.
The sections that follow give an overview of the need for network reinforcement in the region; the work we have undertaken to identify a strategic option; our emerging preferred corridor; information about this first stage of consultation; how you can give us your feedback; and next steps.