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Sea Link


Sea Link


National Grid Electricity Transmission is proposing to reinforce the electricity network between Suffolk and Kent via a new, primarily offshore, 2 gigawatt high voltage direct current link. Sea Link has been designed to increase the capability of the network to carry low carbon and renewable energy from where it is generated to two million homes and businesses across the country.

The proposed Project is split into three elements:

The Suffolk onshore scheme

  • a connection from the existing transmission network via Friston Substation, including the substation itself. Friston Substation already has development consent as part of other third-party projects. If Friston Substation has already been constructed under another consent, only a connection into the substation would be constructed by Sea Link
  • a high voltage alternating current (HVAC) underground cable of approximately 1.9 kilometres (km) in length between the proposed Friston Substation and a proposed converter station (below)
  • a 2 GW high voltage direct current (HVDC) converter station up to 26 metres (including permanent access from the B1121 and a new bridge over the River Fromus) high plus external equipment (such as lightning protection & railings for walkways) near Saxmundham
  • a HVDC underground cable connection of approximately 10 km in length between the proposed converter station near Saxmundham, and a transition joint bay (TJB) approximately 900 metres inshore from a landfall point (below) where the cable transitions from onshore to offshore technology
  • a landfall on the Suffolk coast (between Aldeburgh and Thorpeness).

The offshore scheme

  • approximately 122 km of subsea HVDC cable, running between the Suffolk landfall location (between Aldeburgh and Thorpeness), and the Kent landfall location at Pegwell Bay.

The Kent onshore scheme

  • a landfall point on the Kent coast at Pegwell Bay
  • a TJB approximately 800 m inland to transition from offshore HVDC cable to onshore HVDC cable, before continuing underground for approximately 1.7 km to a new converter station (below)
  • a 2 GW HVDC converter station (including a new permanent access off the A256), up to 28 m high plus external equipment (such as lightning protection & railings for walkways), near Minster. A new substation would be located immediately adjacent
  • removal of approximately 2.2 km of existing HVAC overhead line, and installation of two sections of new HVAC overhead line (totalling approximately 3.5 km) from the substation near Minster to the existing Richborough to Canterbury overhead line.

We are also modifying some sections of existing overhead line in Suffolk and Kent.

In Suffolk, these modifications will only be delivered by National Grid if it is not built as part of other third-party projects.

Latest updates

We have submitted our application for development consent to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS). PINS now has 28-days to check the application meets the requirements before deciding whether or not to accept it for examination.


Visit the Planning Inspectorate’s website to view our application and for information on what happens next.

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