This page is an archive of a feedback form from our non-statutory consultation in 2022. To give your feedback on our current statutory consultation, please follow the link below:
Have your say
You are welcome to answer all or only some of the questions in this feedback form, depending on the issues that are most important to you. We’d like to know if there are any other issues you think are important that we should consider and, importantly, why.
All feedback received before the deadline will be considered as we develop our proposals further. As part of our future application for development consent, we will produce a consultation report that sets out the feedback received and how we have taken it into account.
So that we can make the most of your thoughts and feedback, please give as much detail as possible in your response.
Data privacy statement
National Grid is committed to protecting your personal information. Whenever you provide such information, we are legally obliged to use it in line with all applicable laws concerning the protection of personal data, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).
How will National Grid use the information we collect about you?
We will use your personal data collected via this consultation for a number of purposes, these are:
• to analyse your feedback to the consultation
• to produce a Consultation Report, based on our analysis of feedback (individuals will not be identified in the report)
• to keep up-to-date records of our communications with individuals and organisations
• with your consent we will write to you with updates about the Sea Link project. Please note you can withdraw your consent by contacting us at any time.
Any personal information you include in this form will be processed by (or made available to) the following recipients to record, analyse and report on the feedback we receive:
• the Planning Inspectorate (which will consider our application for consent to build Sea Link – any details published as part of this process will be anonymised)
• our appointed external consultants working on Sea Link.
What rights do I have over my personal data?
Under the terms of the UK GDPR you have certain rights over how your personal data is retained and used by National Grid. For more information, see our full data privacy statement at nationalgrid.com/privacy-policy. We need to keep records of our communications with individuals and organisations during development of the project. These are kept no longer than necessary and in line with our retention periods.
Under GDPR legislation, we cannot accept consultation responses from people under the age of 13 without parental consent.