Before we can submit our application for development consent, we need to understand who has a legal interest in the land in and around the areas being considered as part of the proposals for Sea Link.
Under the Planning Act 2008, we are required identify persons with an interest in land for the purposes of consultation and notification, this process is known as ‘diligent inquiry’. We have appointed the land referencing firm, TerraQuest, to assist with diligent inquiry by identifying those land interests and contacting individuals to confirm their interest in the land.
We have also appointed the land agency firm, Dalcour Maclaren, to assist in liaising with landowners and occupiers to arrange access for surveys to be carried out along the route.
You are entitled to appoint a suitably qualified representative to act on your behalf where we are seeking rights to carry out works on your property. An agent/surveyor will advise you on the process, your rights and will handle any compensation claims on your behalf. We will reimburse you for professional fees reasonably incurred in respect of all claims and advice on legal agreements in connection with associated land rights. More information on this can be found within our Guidance on Land Rights and Payment of Surveyors’ Fees documents.
If you believe your land or property may be affected but have not been contacted by us, please email [email protected] in the first instance.
To help explain how Sea Link would be built, we have produced 'Best Practice' guides which show how National Grid constructs overhead lines and underground cables. You can view these guides by following the links below.
Whilst National Grid will adopt the best practice as set out in these documents wherever it is possible and reasonably practical, there will be some instances where we cannot do this. You can find information about the specifics of constructing Sea Link in the Preliminary Environmental Information Report, which is available in our Document library.
Construction best practice for overhead line installation
Construction best practice for underground cable installation
All key stakeholders, such as the local planning authorities and environmental bodies (such as Natural England) have been fully informed of our planned works.
To understand more about the local environment, and to inform the environmental impact assessment, we need to carry out surveys. Surveys may take place on land within our draft order limits (the land that would be required to build and operate Sea Link, on some adjoining land, and in areas that have been identified through consultation feedback as potentially sensitive.
Below is a list of our ongoing and upcoming surveys. If for any reason a survey cannot take place on the scheduled date, such as poor weather conditions, we will endeavour to reschedule the survey in a timely manner.
Access to land plots is agreed before any surveys may take place.
Date | Survey | Location | Description |
May – October 2024 | Bat detector surveys
| Kent - Cliffsend, Ebbsfleet, Minster, and Richborough.
| Using up to 3 detectors for each transect, left for five to seven nights, bat movements are recorded. Recorded frequencies help to identify species and whether bats are feeding.
July 2024 onwards | Archaeology surveys
| Project route in Kent and Suffolk
| Archaeology surveys began in July 2024 and between January and April 2025 this work is ongoing. Further information on the nature of these surveys can be found in our fact sheet in the document library.
September – October 2024 | Dormouse survey
| Suffolk – Aldeburgh, Friston and Saxmundham.
| Checking dormouse tubes, set up within hedgerows for any evidence of activity.
September-November 2024 | Ecological walkover
| Suffolk – Friston, Saxmundham and Aldeburgh.
| Usually consisting of two surveyors, ecological surveys to map vegetation and any species present.
October 2024 | Arboricultural surveys
| Suffolk – Aldeburgh and Friston.
| These surveys are non-intrusive and consist of noting scientific name, measurements, age, branch spread, physiological and structural conditions, management conditions and whether there is a Tree Preservation Order in place.
October 2024 | Cultural heritage walkover surveys
| Kent - Richborough and Cliffsend.
| Surveyors will use public highways and rights of way in the vicinity of the Kent site in order to take photographs which will be used to illustrate the cultural heritage setting assessment.
November to December 2024 | Arboricultural surveys
| Kent – Cliffsend and Great Stonar.
| These surveys are non-intrusive and include noting scientific name, measurements, age, branch spread, physiological and structural conditions, management conditions and whether there is a Tree Preservation Order in place.
November 2024 to March 2025 | Nocturnal bird surveys
| Kent – Minster, Ebbsfleet and Richborough.
| Surveyors will walk along field boundaries and existing tracks whenever possible. If no tracks are available, they’ll stick to the edges of fields and ditches instead of walking across crops. The survey is being done to understand any environmental impacts of the development and to decide if any protective measures are needed. Access to the land is essential to carry out the survey, which will take place at night.
November 2024 | River habitat, mammal and invertebrate surveys
| Suffolk - River Fromus between Saxmundham and Gromford.
| Aquatic ecology surveyors will walk the banks to assess habitat. For the invertebrate surveys, the ecologists will follow Environment Agency standard for sampling the river.
December 2024 to March 2025 | Wintering bird surveys
| Suffolk – Friston, Sternfield, Church Common, Aldeburgh.
| These surveys will cover at least two hours where a qualified ornithologist will observe birds along a habitat route. For field counts, a monthly count of wintering birds will be undertaken, covering land within the proposed site and to a 250m buffer around the site. For foreshore counts, high and low tide counts will be taken along a route that allows for observation of major habitat areas and suitable wintering bird habitat. During a wintering bird survey, surveyors are looking for any wintering birds, all calls and behaviour will be recorded. Two surveyors will be present. |
January 2025
| Hedgerow assessments
| Kent Suffolk – Friston and Sternfield.
| To record length, condition and species of hedgerow present. The assessment will also identify which hedgerows are particularly important for wildlife and landscape.
January 2025
| Ecology phase 1 habitat survey
| Suffolk – Aldeburgh, Friston, Sternfield.
| Two surveyors, including at least one trained ecologist, will walkover the survey area and map any species or vegetation present onto Ordnance Survey Maps. A desk study using aerial photographs will be completed before the walkover.
January and February 2025
| Habitat conditions assessment
| Suffolk – Aldeburgh, Friston and Sternfield.
| A Habitat conditions assessment (HCA) will inform the baseline, which would be used to measure against the likely outcomes or impacts of the proposals within the Environmental statement (ES). The ES will form part of our application for development consent. The HCA will also determine if protected species surveys are required.
January 2025
| National vegetation classification
| Suffolk – Aldeburgh.
| At least two surveyors will visit the survey area to record a description of the site, any vegetation present, a species list and other details such as the geology of the land.
January to March 2025
| Daytime bird survey
| Kent – Richborough.
| These surveys involve walking field boundaries during daytime to note the presence of birds in the area. Existing tracks would be used to walk each location where possible. Where this is not possible, field boundaries and edges of ditches would be used.
January 2025
| Badger scoping
| Suffolk – Friston, Sternfield.
| Surveyors will record any signs e.g. scats, prints, hairs, sets that they can see while they are doing the other surveys. It will be a walkover along field edges.
January 2025
| Bat tree roost suitability
| Suffolk – Friston, Sternfield.
| To identify and collect physical evidence of bat activity. If no evidence is found, then the ecologist will make an assessment based on any roosting features that present high potential.
January 2025
| Botanical survey
| Suffolk – Saxmundham.
| Two surveyors will undertake a non-intrusive visual survey of flora within the fields. All flora species will be recorded to assign plant communities to those listed in the British Plant Communities reference books (Rodwell et al 1991 et seq.).
February 2025
| Winter landscape and heritage photography
| Suffolk – Saxmundham, Sternfield.
| Taking photographs from specific viewpoints.
Date | Survey | Location | Description |
September 2024 | Hobby survey
| Suffolk – Aldeburgh and Saxmundham.
| To check for fledged young, sunrise to late morning and afternoon until sunset.
September 2024 | Otter, water vole and beaver surveys
| Suffolk – Friston, Knodishall and Saxmundham.
| To detect any signs of otters, water voles and beavers across aquatic habitats.
September 2024 | Reptile surveys
| Suffolk – Saxmundham.
| To determine the presence/absence of reptiles in suitable habitats, such as rough grassland, verges, scrub and dunes, through the deployment of artificial r
August 2024 | Archaeology walkover
| Kent – Pegwell Bay.
| No less than two surveyors will complete a walkover of the areas, of as much of the study areas down to the Mean Low Water Springs (MLWS) that is accessible. It will involve the identification of any previously unreported archaeological features within the areas. The use of mobile phones to record the location along with a photograph for evidence and a brief description.
August – September 2024 | Seal surveys
| Kent – Pegwell Bay.
| To detect the presence of seals.
August 2024 | Landscape walkover surveys | Suffolk – Aldeburgh, Knodishall, Saxmundham and Thorpeness.
| Two surveyors will be undertaking site work in various locations within the study. This will involve landscape walkovers in the vicinity of various viewpoint locations and areas to make notes on landscape character and landscape and visual assessment. Photos may also be taken on phones, but the use of cameras and tripods will not be required.
July – August 2024 | Arboriculture surveys
| Suffolk – Aldeburgh, Aldringham, Friston, Saxmundham and Sternfield.
| These surveys are non-intrusive and consist of noting scientific name, measurements, age, branch spread, physiological and structural conditions, management conditions and whether there is a Tree Preservation Order or a Conservation Area Protection.
July 2024 | Aquatic ecology surveys
| Suffolk – Friston, Saxmundham and Sternfield.
| Three or four surveyors will undertake non-intrusive fish surveys of the rivers using a boat alongside aquatic plant surveys. All fish will be netted and length measured before being released back into the river. The surveys will require equipment that needs to be taken close to the river. The surveys have been requested by the Environment Agency to be included within the Environmental Statement, to help establish potential impacts associated with the development, and if mitigation measures are required.
July 2024 | Bat tree climbing surveys
| Suffolk – Aldeburgh, Aldringham, Friston and Saxmundham.
| To supplement emergence survey effort or to refine suitability assessment from the extended Phase 1. No less than two surveyors will undertake a climbing inspection of each tree identified as required. The surveys will inform the Environmental Statement, and help establish potential impacts associated with the development, and if mitigation measures are required.
July 2024 | Landscape/heritage viewpoint photography
| Suffolk - Saxmundham.
| Taking photos from pre-determined viewpoints.
July 2024 | Botanical surveys
| Suffolk - Thorpeness.
| Two surveyors will undertake a non-intrusive visual survey of flora within the fields. All flora species will be recorded to assign plant communities to those list in the British Plant Communities reference books (Rodwell et al 1991 et seq.). The surveys will inform the Environmental Statement, and help establish potential impacts associated with the development, and if mitigation measures are required.
July 2024 | Barn owl surveys
| Suffolk – Aldeburgh, Aldringham, Friston, Knodishall, Saxmundham.
| Stage 2 surveys for the presence / likely absence and nesting status of barn owl will consist of the following components: A detailed investigation of the features identified during walk over surveys to record potential nest sites, active roost sites, temporary rest sites, and potential foraging habitat. This will be split into two types of survey depending on available access to potential barn owl features.
July 2024 | Bat emergence surveys
| Suffolk – Aldeburgh, Friston, Knodishall, Saxmundham.
| Not less than two surveyors but no more than eight surveyors would be positioned on a tree/building with infra-red cameras and bat detectors. Dates, number of visits and locations will be informed by analysis of the roost assessment data. The surveys will inform the Environmental Statement, and help establish potential impacts associated with the development, and if mitigation measures are required.
June 2024 | Reptile surveys
| Kent – Cliffsend, Ebbsfleet, Minster and Richborough.
| To determine the presence/absence of reptiles in suitable habitat such as rough grassland, verges, scrub and dunes through the deployment of artificial refugia.
May - July 2024 | Terrestrial invertebrate surveys
| Kent - Cliffsend, Ebbsfleet, Minster, and Richborough.
| Recording of terrestrial invertebrate species uses various methods, such as sweep netting, sieving dead wood/leaf litter and pitfall traps as per published guidelines, to sample as wide a range of invertebrates as possible. Identification, where possible, should take place in the field, however, if this is not possible, using microscopes within a lab.
May – July 2024 | Bat activity surveys
| Kent - Cliffsend, Ebbsfleet, Minster, and Richborough.
| Two surveyors walk a straight line, which include 'spot counts' at pre-determined points which are potentially important for foraging or commuting bats.
May - June 2024 | Otter, water vole, and beaver surveys
| Kent - Ebbsfleet, Minster, and Richborough.
| Surveys undertaken on aquatic habitats that lie on or adjacent to the order limits of the project. Otter surveys will include waterbodies within a 200m buffer zone. Surveys involved a detailed search for field signs of species present such as spraints, footprints, or holts.
May 2024 and November 2024 | Aquatic macroinvertebrate surveys
| Suffolk - Saxmundham
| Conducted on either the riverbank, or in the river channel. If safe, three minutes is spent disturbing riverbed with the foot while collecting invertebrates in a net. A similar sweep is conducted from bankside through vegetation. |
May 2024 | Habitat conditions assessment
| Kent - Richborough.
| To inform baseline conditions required for the environmental statement. The assessment will establish if protected species surveys are required.
March - June 2024 | Breeding bird surveys
| Kent - Cliffsend, Ebbsfleet, Minster, and Richborough.
| To assessing breeding bird activity and distribution across the survey area.
April 2024 | Important hedgerows
| Kent - Ebbsfleet and Minster,
| To establish the state of hedgerows, regarding length and condition, as well as character of species present. The assessment also identifies which hedgerows are of particular importance for wildlife and landscape.
February - July 2024 | Dormouse surveys
| Suffolk - Aldeburgh, Knodishall, Friston, and Saxmundham.
| Checking dormouse tubes, set up within hedgerows for any evidence of activity.
February - April 2024 | Winter landscape and heritage photography
| Suffolk - PRoWs.
| Surveyors take photographs from pre-determined viewpoints.
January - April 2024 | Bird corpse search
| Kent - Minster and Richborough.
| To test scavenger removal from the sites to have a clearer idea of the number of dead birds found by surveyors against the number taken by predators.
January - March 2024 | Nighttime bird surveys
| Kent - Cliffsend, Ebbsfleet, Minster, and Richborough.
| To assess bird flight activity and distribution over the survey area at night.
January - March 2024 | Coastal bird surveys
| Suffolk - Aldeburgh.
| To assess bird flight activity and distribution over the survey area.
September 2023 - January 2024 | Marine
| Target areas along the proposed marine route.
| This survey is undertaken to identify the physical features of the seabed. Please see the Notice to Mariners for further information on the locations -
April to May 2024 | Arable Plant Survey | Suffolk – Sternfield, Friston, Saxmundham. | The survey will assess accessible arable fields in the Scheme between June and July, the best time to identify important plant species. The survey will focus on field edges and similar areas where these plants are more likely to grow. Surveyors will walk these areas, recording the plants they find.
February 2024 | Badger Scoping | Suffolk – Aldeburgh, Sternfield Friston, Knodishall | Surveyors will record any signs e.g. scats, prints, hairs, sets that they can see while they are doing the other surveys - it’s not more than a walk over survey - Surveyors will keep to field edges.
January 2024 – February 2024 | Traffic surveys
| Suffolk – Aldeburgh, Snape, Leiston and Saxmundham.
| To collect traffic, traffic volume and speed data to support transport planning and design.
November - December 2023, February 2024 | Bat roost surveys
| Suffolk - Aldebrigh, Friston, Knodishall and Sternfield.
| To identify and collect physical evidence of bat activity. If no evidence is found, then the ecologist will make an assessment based on any roosting features that present high potential.
November 2023 - January 2024 | Tree surveys
| Kent - Ebbsfleet and Minster.
| Surveyors will undertake a non-intrusive walkover tree survey recording the location and dimensional data of all trees within and adjacent to the study area. The survey will record the tree species, dimensions, condition and quality.
November 2023 - January 2024 | Vantage point bird surveys
| Kent - Ebbsfleet, Minster, and Richborough.
| To assess bird flight activity and distribution over the survey area.
November - December 2023 | Aquatic ecology
| Kent - Ebbsfleet and Minster.
| During aquatic ecology surveys, the surveyor will enter the watercourse and kick sample for three minutes using a pond net followed by an additional one-minute active search. Should the watercourse be deemed unsafe to enter, the surveyor will conduct a sweep sample from the bank for three minutes.
October - December 2023 | Dormouse surveys
| Kent - Cliffsend and Minster. Suffolk - Aldeburgh, Knodishall, Friston, Sternfield and Saxmundham.
| Dormouse tubes are set up within hedgerows and left for a period of time to record any evidence of dormouse activity.
October 2023 | Bat activity surveys
| Kent - Cliffsend and Ebbsfleet.
| Night work - surveyors record the activity of bats. Sunset until 2 hours post sunset.
September - December 2023 | Geophysical surveys
| Across the proposed route corridor in both Suffolk and Kent.
| Surveyors use non-intrusive methods to assess any potential features beneath the subsoil, such as buried archaeological remains.
September - October 2023 | Bat monitoring surveys
| Kent - Cliffsend.
| Surveyors walk transects around the site and record bat activity. SM4 bat detectors are installed at specific fixed locations within a site and record all bat activity over a series of nights.
September - October 2023 | Ground investigations (boreholes and trial pits)
| Across the proposed route corridor in both Suffolk and Kent.
| The purpose of the work is to gather data on ground conditions within the project area, informing the design options of different elements of the project.
September 2023 | Intertidal environmental survey
| Suffolk - Aldeburgh.
| The purpose of this survey is to record the characteristics of what is found on the bottom of the intertidal seabed between the Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) and Mean Low Water (MLW) strandlines.
August - September 2023 | Engineering landfall surveys
| Kent - Pegwell Bay and West of St Augustine’s and Stoneless golf courses.
| This survey is undertaken to understand the physical features of the area and their structure. Various survey techniques are used to achieve this including the use of a drone that gathers data about the natural and man-made features of the land, as well as its terrain.
August - September 2023 | Hobby surveys
| Suffolk - PRoW.
| Consists of four visits, typically between April to September. The initial visit is to check for any occupancy of Hobbies. The second visit is to check for any active Hobby nests. The third visit is to again check for any more active nests but also for any young. The final check is to check for any fledged young.
August 2023 | River Surveys | Suffolk – Knodishall Green, Aldeburgh, Thorpeness, Sternfield, Saxmundham. Kent – Minster, Ebbsfleet, Richborough, Cliffsend. | Surveys to assess the current condition of rivers and ditches. These surveys record physical features and vegetation along the riverbed, banks, and nearby areas to understand their habitat structure. A targeted approach will ensure surveyors focus on key areas to evaluate the potential impact of proposed works. |
June - July 2023 | Engineering landfall surveys
| Kent - Pegwell Bay.
| See above.
June 2023 | Noise monitoring
| Kent - Ebbsfleet.
| Two surveyors will employ sound monitors, taking account of constraints within the survey area (e.g. reflective surfaces, security, access, local noise sources). The monitors will be left in place for seven days.
June 2023 | Nightjar surveys
| Suffolk - PRoW.
| Transects follow the length of all hedgerows, fence-lines and field margins, with deviations where possible. Surveys are conducted at dusk as nightjars are most active, surveyors will walk the route listening for nightjar sounds.
June 2023 | Intertidal environmental survey
| Kent - Pegwell Bay.
| See above.
April - June 2023 | Ecology phase 1 walkover
| Kent - Cliffsend, Ebbsfleet, Minster, and Pegwell Bay.
| Undertaken by two surveyors, the survey areas the vegetation, and any species are mapped onto Ordnance Survey maps. A desk study using aerial photography was used prior to the walkover.
March - July 2023 | Common bird census
| Kent - Ebbsfleet, Cliffsend Cottington Hill, Lower Gladstone and Minster Marshes.
| The survey follows hedgerows, fence-lines and field margins to record any species that may be passing through the survey area. Survey routes are mapped, and the direction walked alternated on each visit, to ensure that all areas are covered at various times of day.
February - June 2023 | Vantage point surveys
| Kent - PRoW.
| The purpose of vantage point surveys is to record flight lines of species which are potentially sensitive to collision with infrastructure to assess collision risk. Birds on the ground within the survey area will also be recorded.
January to August 2023 | Landscape viewpoint surveys
| Suffolk - PRoW.
| The survey will help plan landscape mitigation and the layout of the proposed converter station and substation. It will also review the overhead line crossing the River Stour to guide the design and height of the towers. Additionally, 21 locations around the site, cable routes, and landfall will be visited to identify spots for public photography.
October 2022 – March 2023 | Wintering bird surveys
| Kent – Cliffsend, Ebbsfleet, and PRoW.
| During a wintering bird survey, undertaken between October and March inclusive, two surveyors will look for any wintering birds; all calls and behaviour will be recorded. These will include foreshore and field counts.
September 2022 | Hobby surveys
| RSPB Area.
| See above.
July - August 2022 | Arboricultural walkovers
| Kent – Ebbsfleet.
| Usually undertaken by two surveyors. These surveys are non-intrusive and consist of noting scientific name, measurements, age, branch spread, physiological and structural conditions, management conditions and whether there is a Tree Preservation Order or a Conservation Area Protection.
June 2022 | Breeding bird survey
| Suffolk – PRoW.
| See above.
April – May and December 2022 | Ecology phase 1 walkover
| Suffolk - Aldeburgh, Aldringham, Hazelwood, Knoddishall, Leiston, and Sizewell.
| See above.
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