Tottenham substation will see minor OHL works carried out. These include the installation of a new cable sealing end compound, installation of a new tower and removal of existing tower, as well as the demolition of an existing building. The existing bus depot is being demolished to make way for new cabling to be routed underground. Vegetation clearance works are scheduled to take place in early 2025 and the works are scheduled to commence in Winter 2025.
For the OHL diversions to be carried out, some road closures on the A1055 will be required over a two-week period. These will take place during the night to best minimise impacts on road users.
January 2025: Vegetation clearance at Tottenham substation
Winter 2025: Minor works at Tottenham substation, including new sealing end compounds and OHL diversions
Tottenham substation
Tottenham Hale
N17 0QJ
We are committed to engaging with communities to ensure the projects deliver other localised benefits, including social benefits via our Community Grant Programme and environmental benefits via biodiversity net gain (i.e., increasing biodiversity in the area we are operating in above what is currently there).
The Community Grant Programme is run by the National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) business. The programme is aimed at community organisations and charities in areas where our work is impacting local people through our operations and construction activities.
Communities impacted by the maintenance of existing infrastructure (e.g. refurbishment of overhead lines or substations resulting in road closures and other impacts) can apply for grants of up to £10,000.
You can read more about the Community Grant Programme here: https://www.nationalgrid.com/responsibility/community/community-grant-programme.
If you would like any further information or to speak to a member of the community relations team about the works, please use the contact form on our website or via the contact details below.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0800 279 3408