We undertake a phased options appraisal and assessment process when developing proposals to reinforce our network.
The options appraisal process has been designed to meet our duties and also follows other relevant policy and guidance when making judgments and decisions on the project. This has included consideration of the relevant National Policy Statements, the Holford Rules (which apply to the routeing and design of overhead lines) and the Horlock Rules (which apply to the location and design of substations).
Further details on these policies and guidance can be found in the Corridor Preliminary Routeing and Substation Siting study (CPRSS).
We are currently at the Options Identification and Selection stage of the process and we are seeking feedback during this consultation on our work to date. Your feedback will help to shape our project as we move forward.
National Grid employs two sets of rules and guidelines for the routeing and siting of new energy transmission infrastructure:
Find our more about options identification and selection.
Learn more about our proposals for public consultation.