National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) owns and maintains the electricity transmission network in England and Wales. We transport electricity from where it is generated, such as solar and offshore wind farms, to regional substations, where it then continues on its journey to homes and businesses.
To ensure that everyone can access electricity from renewable sources, we are working to build a cleaner, fairer, and more affordable energy system that serves everyone, and powers the future of our homes, transport and industry.
The Walpole Substation expansion is required to accommodate new infrastructure at the existing substation. The work will be essential to connect new sources of renewable energy, manage power flows on the network and support future demand. We will also be upgrading the existing technology, which was originally installed when the substation was built in the 1960s.
Our proposals for Walpole Substation are part of The Great Grid Upgrade – the largest overhaul of the grid in generations.
The Great Grid Upgrade will play a significant part in meeting the UK Government’s plans to power all homes and businesses with green energy by 2030 ensuring our electricity network is fit for the future.
The Walpole Substation Expansion involves the construction of new infrastructure in and around the existing substation footprint.
We have permitted development rights to deliver some of the work needed for this project, whilst other parts of the project will require planning permission. The new infrastructure will facilitate new connections to our network, including renewable energy sources, and will support future demand.
Our public consultation ran from Friday 10 May to Thursday 6 June 2024, when we held a mix of online and in person events to allow residents and other interested parties to give feedback on our proposals. Thank you to all those that submitted feedback and attended our events.
The project team has reviewed the feedback received and are preparing submission of the planning application in the first half of 2025.
Feedback centred around the possible disruption construction could have on the local area, with a focus on approaches to traffic management and concerns regarding increased flood risk. We have considered each of these components of the project to mitigate the impact to local communities.
NGET is developing plans regarding the management of vehicles coming to our substation, which aims to limit impacts felt by the surrounding community. These measures and procedures will be discussed and agreed with the Local Authority through a Construction Traffic Management Plan.
We are committed to providing a minimum of 10% biodiversity net gain in areas where we work – this means there will be an improvement on the habitat for wildlife in the area once we have finished our project.
Surveys are underway to assess the expected level of vegetation removal including plans for additional landscaping and planting – this will form part of our planning application.
Permitted development works will build the infrastructure required to connect external developers to Walpole Substation, in line with the connection agreements National Grid has previously granted. Under our license to operate, we have a legal obligation to connect companies to our network when a connection is requested.
Verdant Energy and Conrad Energy have existing consent to begin development at specific areas within the substation, which are indicated on the map below.
Below is a map of the permitted development works. Other permitted developments are scheduled to take place next year, which NGET will provide an update on closer to the time.
Verdant Energy
Verdant Energy will be preparing the substation for the delivery of a 60MVA transformer that will allow them to connect their Solar Farm and battery energy storage system (BESS) to the electricity grid.
The timings for Verdant Energy’s works are as follows:
Conrad Energy
Conrad Energy is constructing new Synchronous Condensers (SCs) as part of its energy infrastructure project located adjacent to the Walpole Substation. SCs are large rotating generators that helps manage the flow of electricity and improves voltage regulation. To facilitate these new connections for Conrad Energy's Synchronous Condenser project, National Grid will be constructing a new user bay inside the substation compound.
The timings for Conrad Energy’s works are as follows inside National Grid’s compound:
This information was provided to NGET by developers. If you would like more information on Verdant and Conrad Energy, visit these websites to contact them directly.
Walpole Substation expansion is not part of EGL3 and EGL4 or Grimsby to Walpole. Please be assured we are working closely with our colleagues on these projects to minimise disruption to local communities.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Email: [email protected]
Phone:0800 083 3149 (9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday)
Freepost: WALPOLE SUBSTATION EXPANSION PROJECT (no stamp or further details required)
Website: nationalgrid.com/WalpoleSubstationExpansion