We are interconnecting significant amounts of distributed generation (DG) on both customer rooftops and through 'community' or shared solar farms. We are committed to maximizing the benefits of these local zero-carbon resources for all, while ensuring a more equitable customer participation in solar energy programs that benefits customers across all income levels.
We are working to enable New York’s CLCPA statewide 10 GW goal for distributed solar by 2030.
We are supporting implementation of 3,200 MW of distributed solar statewide in Massachusetts under the SMART I and II programs.
We are targeting up to 95 MW of Massachusetts shared solar capacity for enrollment by income-eligible customers under the SMART II program.
As of September 2021, we have interconnected approximately 23,200 renewable DG projects totaling approximately 900 MW in New York, approximately 67,000 projects totaling over 1,500 MW in Massachusetts, and 11,800 projects totaling 382 MW in Rhode Island. Across our three service territories, we have interconnected the 2nd largest amount of large-scale, non-residential solar of any utility in the U.S.
In New York, we are helping grow participation in community DG through a novel customer billing solution we developed and proposed to our regulators.
In New York and Massachusetts, we have proposed new solar programs to increase access for our income-eligible customers (New York Solar for All and Massachusetts Community Shared Solar).