Landowners, occupiers and grantors
Before we can install and operate electricity equipment, such as overhead lines, pylons or underground cables, on land that we don't own, we require the rights to do so from the landowner or occupier. We call these landowners and occupiers ‘our grantors’.

How to contact us if you are a grantor

We're committed to maintaining successful working relationships with our grantors and our regional teams of Land Officers provide a day-to-day point of contact. You can get in touch if you have any

Map for grantors for National Grid Electricity Transmission

questions about electricity equipment maintenance or refurbishment plans in your area, or need information about compensation and reinstatement following such work.

Please call 0800 389 5113 and select from the following options:

  • Option 1 – if you are calling to find out how to obtain your electricity MPAN number
  • Option 2 – if you are a National Grid Grantor and require assistance regarding a wayleave, easement or payment query
  • Option 3 – for all other enquiries, or you can send us an email to [email protected]


Useful information for grantors

Please click on the relevant heading below for more information and to read or download documents.

Safety around our electricity equipment

Our guidance document ‘Third Party Guidance for working near NGET equipment' provides information on safety when working near electricity lines.

Download document

On the Electricity emergencies and safety advice page, you can find out more about safety issues around our overhead lines and underground cables, including:

  • agricultural operations near overhead power lines
  • trees and vegetation near overhead power lines
  • leisure activities near overhead power lines
  • birds
  • noise from lines.

Further information can be found on the Health and Safety Executive’s website.

Access to land

From time to time, we require access to land to inspect, maintain, and refurbish our existing equipment or to develop new lines. We have a duty to maintain the transmission network and power supplies, so we need quick and easy access.

Our rights of access to land crossed by our equipment  are contained within a wayleave agreement or permanent easement with the grantor.

Overhead power lines are inspected on a routine basis both by foot, helicopter and drone. We also have to climb pylons. Refurbishment of overhead lines can involve:

  • replacing conductors, insulators, and associated fittings
  • painting pylons
  • works to the pylons and their foundations.

New technology is helping us to reduce the disruption caused by this work, but during major refurbishment, safety scaffolding may need to be put up over properties, roads, and other development.

Minor refurbishments (such as repainting) are usually needed every seven years. Major works tend to happen much less frequently. Find out more in the following documents:

Easements and wayleaves

To install and operate electricity equipment, such as overhead lines, pylons or underground cables, on land that we do not own, we require the rights to do so from the landowner or occupier. A wayleave or easement agreement with the landowner or occupier gives us the rights to install, access, maintain and repair our equipment on their land.

A wayleave is an annual agreement for which a landowner and/or occupier receive an annual wayleave payment. The wayleave payment is based on the type and number of assets on the land, and its land use.

An easement is an agreement that allows National Grid permanent rights for the equipment in return for a one-off lump sum payment. It can only be agreed between the landowner, or long-lease holder, and National Grid’s rights endure even if the land changes hands. An existing wayleave agreement can be converted to an easement.

Should you have any queries about your wayleave payment please contact the Grantor Services Team by:

If you're interested in converting a wayleave to an easement please email us: [email protected]

Payments and fees

Annual wayleave payments to grantors are agreed and calculated with the Energy Networks Association (ENA) Estates and Wayleave Committee.

This committee is made up of representatives from electricity companies, Country Landowners Association (CLA), National Union of Farmers (NFU) and Farmers Union of Wales (FUW).

Payment rates are reviewed periodically and are based upon the size of the electricity equipment and land use.

Wayleave payment rates

Guidance Notes to explain Wayleave Payments for Occupiers of Arable land

Payment of surveyors' fees (English version)

Payment of surveyors' fees (Welsh version)

Land rights strategy and payment schedule for assets (English version)

Land rights strategy and payment schedule for assets (Welsh version)


Developing near our overhead lines

We provide information for planning authorities and developers on our electricity transmission lines and substations in a downloadable PDF guide. It covers planning and amenity issues, both with regard to our approach to siting new equipment, and to development proposals near lines and substations.

Design guidelines for development near pylons and power lines


Please click on the relevant title below to read or download the document:
Approach to Options Appraisal
National Grid's commitments when undertaking works in the UK, December 2016
OHL Refurb, March 2018
Payment of Surveyors Fees 2018
Undergrounding high-voltage electricity transmission lines - the technical issues
Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs)

Our EMF helpline manages enquiries from members of the public, including prospective homebuyers, sellers, and their professional advisers who may be concerned about nearby electrical equipment. 

The EMF unit provides relevant information to concerned individuals and will undertake field measurements as appropriate. We can also supply literature for home sellers to pass on to agents, prospective vendors, and their advisers. We're not aware of any UK mortgage lender that has a policy of refusing mortgages for properties near overhead lines because of EMFs.

You can also download our EMF public position statement which provides a framework for managing the EMF issues facing National Grid. It sets out how we’ll continually assess the scientific evidence in this area, determine any implications for the way in which we conduct our business, and explain to society what the science is telling us.

Visit EMF website

Download EMF public position statement

Gridline magazine

Gridline is a magazine for our grantors. It features safety and project information, as well as profiles of grantors showing how the land our network crosses is used.

Gridline magazine

Enquiries about working near our assets

If you have any questions or need more information about working near our network assets, please contact the National Grid Asset Protection team or submit an enquiry via the Linesearch  website.

Linesearch provides search facilities for our assets so you can:

  • find out if it's safe to dig before you start works
  • find out where NGET's buried electricity cables are located
  • identify where NGET's overhead lines are located and and request line profile drawings and safety guidance.

Phone: 0800 001 4282 (Asset Protection)

Email: [email protected]

For domestic enquiries, such as metering or power cuts, please contact your local electricity distribution operator, which can be found on the ENA website.

Line search

You can also check if your works will affect our transmission network by using the Linesearch website.

Visit the Linesearch website

A bright sun shining in a blue sky over a field with electricity pylons

Network Access Policy

National Grid Electricity Transmission’s Network Access Policy (NAP) is written to facilitate collaboration between Transmission Owners, National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) and other stakeholders.

The Network Access Policy is designed to deliver value for consumers in relation to the planning, management and operation of the electricity transmission system in Great Britain.

Download document