The UK has set a clear ambition for our country to be a global leader in clean energy. The Government has set a commitment to reach Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and an ambition to connect 50 GW of offshore wind by 2030 – enough energy to power every home in the country.

With new offshore wind generation, a new nuclear power station at Sizewell C and greater interconnection with countries across the North Sea being proposed, there will be a huge increase the amount of renewable and low carbon electricity generation connecting along the East coast.

While our existing high voltage electricity network in East Anglia has been sufficient until today, it doesn’t have the capability needed to reliably and securely transport all the energy that will be connected by 2030 while working to the required standards.

We are investing significantly to upgrade the existing network, but that still won’t deliver the capability that is needed by the end of the decade. We need to reinforce the region’s electricity network to address this.

We need to build a network reinforcement between Bramford Substation in Suffolk and Twinstead Tee in Essex. Our approved proposals include constructing up to 18 km of overhead line and around 11 km of underground cable (through the Dedham Vale National Landscape and in the Stour Valley). Strengthening the network here is vital to deliver cleaner, greener electricity efficiently, reliably, and safely and to support the UK’s move to Net Zero.

Project news

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Supergrid transformer to be delivered as part of new substation construction

28 May 2024 - A supergrid transformer is being delivered as part of the construction of a new grid supply point (GSP) substation between Butlers Wood and Waldegrave Wood this weekend. In this update, you can read more about how the delivery will take place.

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Planning Inspectorate completes examination of Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement application

13 March 2024 - The Examining Authority has now completed its examination of the application for development consent for National Grid’s Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement.

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Three National Grid construction engineers wearing hard hats and PPE discussing paperwork

Grid supply point substation construction update

16 January 2024 - In October 2022, National Grid’s planning application for a new grid supply point (GSP) substation at Butler’s Wood was approved by Braintree District Council. In this update, you can read more about upcoming construction activity, including the introduction of temporary traffic management measures along part of the A131.

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Bramford to Twinstead Landscape

Application for development consent accepted for Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement

6 June 2023 - National Grid is pleased to announce that it has had its application for development consent for the Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement accepted by the Planning Inspectorate. 

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Couple Looking online

Planning application to upgrade electricity network between Bramford and Twinstead submitted

28 April 2023 - National Grid can confirm that it has submitted an application for development consent to the Planning Inspectorate for the Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement.

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We're driven by cleaner energy - woman with clipboard talking to a man next to an electric van

Grid supply point substation update

29 March 2023 - In October 2022, National Grid’s planning application for a new grid supply point (GSP) substation at Butler’s Wood was approved by Braintree District Council. In this update, you can read more about our plans for the construction of the GSP substation, which forms part of the Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement.

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Bramford to Twinstead Landscape

Hintlesham Woods update

13 December 2022 - We have now taken the decision to remove Hintlesham Woods Option 2 from our proposals for the Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement.

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Public consultation

Statutory consultation on proposed Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement launched

24 January 2022 - National Grid has launched its statutory consultation on the proposed Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement.

More information

Image of offshore wind farm

Moving towards net zero

Helping the UK move to net zero by 2050

Need for network reinforcement

Why we need to upgrade the electricity transmission network in East Anglia

Image of public exhibition event

The story so far

Overview of work done to date and what we're doing now

Dad and daughter with laptop

Our proposals (September 2022)

Read more about our proposals, as presented at our most recent consultation

Photo of man and woman at computer

Document library

Read and download copies of all documents prepared for current and previous consultations

Information for landowners

Read information for landowners and persons with an interest in land related to the project

Frequently asked questions

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