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Exciting new investments in artificial intelligence

National Grid Partners is all about investing in a smarter energy future, with artificial intelligence (AI) playing a central role. Read how the two latest additions to our portfolio use AI to protect infrastructure and create more reliable networks.

AI has the potential to transform many industries and the energy industry is no exception. With this in mind, AI is one of the key focuses of our investment and innovation arm, National Grid Partners. The two latest additions to our portfolio are both start-ups that use AI data analytics to protect infrastructure in new and better ways. The companies have received $6 million in funding from National Grid Partners.

Boston-based Aperio Systems deploys machine learning to monitor data from sensors in real time. This can help companies across industries, including utilities, manufacturing and mining, to keep essential infrastructure safe against hackers and other threats.

Silicon Valley's AiDash meanwhile uses satellite imaging and AI to protect transmission and distribution grids from overgrown vegetation, which can spark outages or fires.

A growing portfolio backing innovation

Since its launch in November 2018, National Grid Partners, the utility industry's first Silicon Valley-based investment and innovation firm, has put $175m to work; either directly into emerging technology companies or via specialist venture funds.

Our company is on a journey to become the most intelligent transmission network in the world.

Lisa Lambert, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer of National Grid, and Founder and President of National Grid Partners, says: “Our company is on a journey to become the most intelligent transmission network in the world. We’re investing in and deploying technologies across our networks to enhance resilience and reliability, while more easily integrating clean energy.”

About Aperio, Lisa commented: “We’re pleased to welcome Aperio as the newest member of National Grid Partners’ growing portfolio of innovative companies that are solving problems created by an explosion of data in connected industrial environments.

And on AiDash she said: “Our objective is to revolutionise the energy sector using emerging technology and AiDash, with its satellite analytics platform, brackets this perfectly. We’re delighted to come together and pool interests to create a smarter and future-ready industry today.”

One thing National Grid Partners' investments all have in common is that they share our commitment to a smarter, more renewable energy future.

Read more about how we’re using artificial intelligence to tackle climate change.

Find out more about National Grid Partners portfolio