Equity in Energy summits

As the transition to a clean energy future progresses, we recognise the responsibility of companies like ours to the communities we serve in making the energy landscape more equitable, fair and inclusive.

Held between June 2022 and January 2024, our Equity in Energy Summits converged leaders from across the energy sector, from New York, New England and Great Britain, to chart a course towards a future defined by sustainability, equity and inclusion.

Female attendees at the National Grid 'Equity in Energy summit' in January 2024

At the heart of the summits lies our ambition to deliver the energy transition for everyone, by bringing together local peer utilities, public officials and environmental justice communities to create a space for candid dialogue and shared insight. We hope this will catalyse actions that drive equity and inclusion in environmental, social and economic realms on our journey to net zero and a fair transition to clean energy.

Through these discussions, we have gained a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the energy transition, and identified tangible pathways towards a more just and sustainable future in a number of critical topics, including:

  • electricity grid resilience 
  • access to clean energy 
  • technology innovation 
  • education 
  • skills and employability
  • affordable energy support and communication
  • supply chain and social mobility
  • demonstrating leadership
  • workforce development and hiring
  • economic opportunity and growth
  • affordability, access and resilience

While there is still more work to be done, by prioritising these areas in a collaborative and engaging way with our communities, we will pave the way for a more equitable energy landscape.