
Each year we participate in numerous responsibility ratings and rankings. We do this to help benchmark our responsible business activities against other companies and focus on areas where we need to improve.

We believe benchmarking our performance is an important part of understanding the impact we have on society and identifying improvements we can make in the future. We show our commitment by participating in a number of corporate responsibility related indices.


Carbon Disclosure Project

A small logo that reads CDP Driving Sustainable Economies

The CDP is an independent not-for-profit organisation which works with thousands of businesses to help drive greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and sustainable water use, by encouraging them to disclose their GHG emissions to benchmark their performance.

In 2018, we achieved the CDP’s ‘A List’ rating for the third consecutive year.  We are one of 126 companies globally, and one of only eight UK companies, to achieve a position on the climate change A list (out of 7,000 global submissions).

Through the CDP supply chain program, we exceeded our 2020 target of 80% of our top 250 suppliers reporting and achieved an 85% response rate.


Ethisphere World’s Most Ethical Business

A logo that reads Ethisphere Good Smart Business Profit

The World’s Most Ethical Companies® programme honours companies which excel in three areas: promoting ethical business standards and practices internally; enabling managers and employees to make good choices; and, shaping future industry standards by introducing tomorrow’s best practices today. 

Recognised businesses have also historically outperformed others financially; demonstrating the connection between good ethical practices and performance that’s valued in the marketplace. National Grid has received the award eight times before for its ethics and compliance programme in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.


Corporate Citizenship Business for Societal Impact framework and measurement

Small Logo for Societal Impact Corporate Citizenship

The Business for Societal Impact (B4SI) is the global standard for measuring and managing corporate social impact. The B4SI network includes around 180 companies globally. We complete the B4SI and report the results in our Annual Report and Accounts each year under ‘Corporate Responsibility’.