By becoming a customer of IFA and IFA2, you will join our mission of bringing green, renewable energy into the UK. Reducing the price for end consumers and the UK‘s carbon output.
You will have access to 3GW of capacity on the GB-FR border, which is one of the most liquid borders in Europe, with high market volatility seen throughout the year. Along with access to a diverse product range with continued product development.
Registration is simple so get in touch with our professional, reliable and dedicated customer team today.
The table below is a high-level process for registering as an IFA & IFA2 customer. There are two processes to choose from depending upon whether you wish to buy capacity only (non – nominating) or buy and nominate capacity (nominating).
A guide for customers who wish to buy capacity on IFA and IFA2.
JAO Participation Agreement Amendment
Please find attached the JAO Participation Agreement Amendment for existing JAO Customers. Please complete and return to JAO as soon as possible.
Please complete:
JAO Participation Agreement Amendment Sample
Please find an example of how to complete your JAO Participation Agreement for existing JAO customers.
A guide for customers who wish to nominate capacity on IFA and IFA2.
Please complete and return to the IFA customer team as soon as possible.
Please find an example of how to complete your RNP agreement.
Please complete all yellow highlighted sections using the guidance comments within the sample.