Scotland to England Green Link -SEGL2

National Grid welcomes Ofgem’s latest decision on Scotland to England Green electricity superhighways

National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) welcomes Ofgem’s decision on the initial proposals for two new offshore electricity connections between Scotland and northern England.

Working with the Scottish transmission companies, SSEN Transmission and Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) NGET submitted preferred options for two 2GW high-voltage direct current (HVDC) electricity ‘superhighways’ between Torness and Hawthorn Pit (Scotland to England Green Link 1) and Peterhead and Drax (Scotland to England Green Link 2) in the latest stage of the £3.4bn project.

In the initial findings of its initial needs case assessment Ofgem has stated there is a clear benefit to consumers by progressing with plans, recognising the crucial role they play in supporting the growth of renewables.

With 40GW of offshore wind to be connected by 2030 – compared to 10GW connected today – the additional links will start the reinforcement of Britain’s electricity transmission network to allow for increased flows of renewable power.

Chris Bennett, Acting President of NGET said: “We welcome the positive news from Ofgem. The Scotland to England Green Links are part of our ambition to reinforce our network along the East Coast to support the significant growth in renewable and low carbon generation.  We believe they will deliver the best value for money for consumers, while helping the UK decarbonise and achieve its net zero ambition”.

Together with SP Energy Networks and SSEN Transmission, NGET will now consider the detail of Ofgem’s consultation ahead of the Final Needs Case submission next month.

If approved, work would start on Torness-Hawthorn Pit in 2023, expected to complete in 2027 and Peterhead-Drax in 2024, expected to complete in 2029.


Media information:

Helen Blake - 07790 824788
[email protected]