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National Grid launches the largest overhaul of the grid in generations

National Grid has this week launched the largest overhaul of the grid in generations, which will enable millions of UK homes and businesses to use renewable energy to power the things they love in years to come.

The Great Grid Upgrade will see significant new infrastructure built across England and Wales to move more clean energy from where it’s generated to where it’s needed, helping the UK meet its net zero ambitions and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

By connecting more clean, renewable energy from where it’s generated out at sea to where it’s needed by communities across the UK, The Great Grid Upgrade will also contribute to lower energy bills over the long-term, provide a catalyst for a green jobs boom and make the UK’s energy more self-sufficient.

Carl Trowell, President, Strategic Infrastructure, National Grid, said: “Our vision is a clean, fair and affordable energy future for the UK. The Great Grid Upgrade will play a major part in delivering this.”

The Great Grid Upgrade is part of National Grid’s continued programme of investment into the UK energy transition, which will see £16bn invested from 2021-2026 to support the UK’s net zero goals. National Grid is one of the largest green investors in the FTSE.


Contact for media information only:

Danielle Dominey-Kent 
+44 (0)7977054575
[email protected]


Notes to editors

About National Grid

National Grid lies at the heart of a transforming energy system, spanning the UK and the US. Our businesses supply gas and electricity, safely, reliably and efficiently to millions of customers and communities. But we also drive change through engineering innovation and by incubating new ideas with the power to revolutionise our industry.

National Grid is pioneering ways to decarbonise the energy system; from building interconnectors to allow the UK to share clean energy with our neighbours in Europe, to investing in renewable energy generation in the United States. As one of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the world, National Grid is at the centre of a clean, fair and affordable energy future, where tackling climate change and reaching net zero is a key priority.