If we’re going to meet the UK’s climate commitments and the Government’s net zero targets, we must create a green energy network.
As the country shifts away from traditional forms of fuel to heat homes, charge vehicles and power businesses, there will be a greater need for green electricity. We need a network that can transport more renewable and low carbon energy.
To help enable this, we urgently need to upgrade our onshore electricity system, which was first built in the 1960s when the country was more reliant on fossil fuels for electricity generation.
Without it, we won't be ready for the future. Time has moved on, and so must we.
The North Sea is the UK's engine room, leading the world in offshore wind technology. Around 60% of current offshore wind projects are looking to connect their energy on shore along the East Coast. Other low carbon nuclear and interconnector developments are also planned in the region. By the end of the decade, there will be significantly more electricity generated in East Anglia than the current network is capable of accommodating.
To transport this new, green energy, we need a network of cables, pylons and substations on land to take it to where it’s needed - our homes, businesses, and communities. The existing infrastructure simply doesn't have the capacity to transport the volume of energy that will be generated offshore.
We urgently need to upgrade and future proof our electricity network.
This will ensure we can transport this clean, green energy from where it is generated to where it is needed.
By doing this, we’ll be securing a green energy supply for generations to come. We'll also be supporting East Anglia to play a key role in helping the UK meet our net zero targets
We need to strengthen the network here to increase the network capability in the region to carry the clean green energy that is proposed in East Anglia.
National Grid Electricity Transmission is currently developing proposals for Sea Link, a new planned high voltage undersea electricity link between Suffolk and Kent.
The East Anglia Green Energy Enablement project is a proposal to build a new high voltage network reinforcement between Norwich, Bramford and Tilbury.