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Information on Use of National Grid land

Need to acquire rights to install new assets or undertake works on National Grid Electricity Transmission’s (NGET) land?

Many of our substations are surrounded by NGET owned non-operational land.  This land typically sits outside NGET’s operational compound fence line.

We appreciate that customers connecting to NGET’s network or the Distribution Network Operator require cable easements through our non-operational land to get to their point of connection within NGET’s substation (operational land). There is a significant volume of customers requiring these easements. As the volume of connections continues to increase, significant amounts of our operational assets are subject to expansion strategies (often extending the substation onto the non-operational land), and new sites triggered. This may mean that easements cannot be progressed until substation design is finalised.  It is, however, important that we are aware of any land requirements you may have, so we can plan ahead. 

The guidance explains the process for securing land rights over non-operational land owned by NGET (leasehold/freehold and/or cable rights), the high-level design principles for development of land in proximity to operational electricity transmission assets, common land constraints (including our Compensation and Restoration Principles to protect and enhance the natural environment) to be aware of and requirements in relation to planning applications and use of permitted development rights. 

The guidance also outlines the process for securing rights within our operational land, documented via Interface Agreements.

Please read our guidance below for more information, and contact NGET[email protected] for any enquiries or to make a formal enquiry using our enquiry form.

Guidance note on the use of National Grid Electricity Transmission land 

Guidance note on the use of National Grid Electricity Transmission land: Appendices

Need to gain access to NGET Non-Operational land for a site visit or to undertake works? 

Access to NGETs Non-Operational estate is managed by BNP Paribas Real Estate (BNPPRE) using an Access Control process (the ‘e-permit process’). The process enables NGET, through BNPPRE, to:

  • Control and manage access to non-operational land;
  • Understand the scope of works/survey proposed;
  • Provide the requestor with information relating to potential hazards, including other parties that may have permission to be present on site at the time works are undertaken; 
  • Determine whether a licence is required or whether the works will be undertaken under existing or pending land rights i.e. easement or lease;
  • Confirm that the appropriate stakeholders have been consulted and that approved RAMS are in place; and
  • Deconflict works and mitigate risks posed by multiple parties working on site.

There are three stages to the e-permit process, designed to be embedded across the works set-up phase. These are summarised below. 

Process stageTimescale in relation to project/works set-up
Stage 1Early engagement with BNPPRE and issue of site-specific hazard informationAs soon as an estimated programme/requirement to access site is identified
Stage 2RAMS preparation and reviewDuring works RAMS preparation and approval
Stage 3Submission of an e-permit requestWhen the date of works is confirmed and Stage 1 and 2 completed

Please note; BNPPRE should be contacted as soon as possible once the requirement for, and nature of, any works are understood

This enables BNPPRE to issue site-specific hazard information which will need to be taken into consideration when the contractor develops RAMS, and to inform the requestor whether a licence will be required to undertake the works.

The document and flow chart below provide guidance on the access process.  If you have any queries regarding accessing NGET Non-Operational land please contact BNPPRE by email [email protected] or phone 0345 8508929.

Guidance for third party access to non operational land 

Flowchart process for accessing ET non-operational land- Third party customer connections and DNOs (including DNO customers)

Flowchart process for Accessing ET Non-operational Land - Third Parties

Statement of facts- Third party