T-pylons and overhead electricity lines in the sunshine in green fields

National Grid Electricity Transmission 'The Pathway to Net Zero' Webinar

There are many steps to achieve the net zero goals of 2050 – find out how we’re planning to meet these targets. We held an open webinar for anyone to join to find out what the electricity transmission network of 2050 needs to look like, and how we think we can get there through – 

  • planning for growth in generation and demand,  
  • managing our regional and site strategies differently, and 
  • changing the way we manage connections.  

We know that collaboration is the key to success, that is why we will continue engaging to ‘re-imagine the transmission network of the future’.  

The UK Government has set ambitious Net Zero targets. To meet them, we will have to reimagine our network and the way in which we deliver it. This involves planning for the massive growth in generation and demand - changing the way we manage connections, and changing the way we work.

This webinar, hosted on Tuesday 28 February, was an opportunity for stakeholders to view our initial plans and early insights from our ongoing analysis of the scale of transmission infrastructure needed to get to 2035 - and the changes we think are needed to support that delivery. There was also an opportunity for stakeholders to ask questions about what they heard about our proposed approach.  

Update since the webinar

Following on from our webinar, ‘The Pathway to Net Zero’, we want to remind you of the purpose of Future Network Blueprints (FNB), what we’ve been doing and what is next.

Download FNB update


You can also find out how people found the webinar and what is changing as a result.

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