North Wessex Downs ground investigation surveys

Project update April 2021

A short programme of ground investigation surveys will begin in the North Wessex Downs AONB the week commencing 12th April to help inform the development of proposals for the  Visual Impact Provision (VIP) project.

Contractors working on behalf of National Grid are scheduled to undertake surveys over a period of up to eight weeks in pre-agreed locations just south of Roundway Down and approximately 2km north of Devizes.

The surveys do not signal that construction has begun. Construction work itself is subject to the successful outcome of a planning application that is to be submitted later this year.

Over the next few weeks people may see some of our vehicles on local roads, including Conscience Lane. We will be using small vehicles and sticking to farm tracks wherever possible. Together with our contactor, we aim to complete the work with the least disruption to local residents as possible.

To allow us to carry out these essential works safely and effectively, we will have a welfare unit and storage area located as close as possible to our working site to minimise vehicle movements.

We have been granted consent by the relevant landowners where required, and National Grid will continue to work with organisations including Wiltshire Council to ensure all necessary permissions are obtained.

If you have any questions contact the team on either 0330 134 0051 or email [email protected].