Power Flow Control is a new technology that can push power off overloaded lines or pull power onto underused lines. With this new power-electronic technology, we are now able to make the existing network more efficient, without the need to build new infrastructure.
Installing this innovative equipment at our existing substation in South Shields will provide more consistent, real-time control over how that new energy is routed, supporting the ongoing need for renewable generation and capacity on the network and allow us to continue to provide access to the network for our customers.
This work will include the erection of two new compounds on land already owned by National Grid for the installation of this equipment, and for some other associated works including new fencing. The main construction work started on site in Autumn 2024 and we anticipate that works on site will complete in 2027.
Additionally, the tree maintenance works are being scheduled, our intention is to lower the height of some of the trees closest to the residential fence lines on Colman Avenue, We are currently arranging this with our contractor, once we have confirmed dates for this, we will continue to keep you updated regarding this.
As we continue to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and increase clean energy generation, we’ll be using more electricity than ever. That means we’ll need a grid that’s able to carry all this extra electricity to wherever we might need it.
Installing Power Flow Control technology at our substation in South Shields will allow us to continue to provide the best electricity flow around the country.
Our normal working hours will be between 7:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Friday, and 8:00am and 4:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays, if any necessary work needs to be completed. Essential activities that require continuous working will take place occasionally outside of these hours. In this incidence, we will inform affected stakeholders accordingly.
February 2024 – Surveys and preparatory work began on site
Autumn 2024 – The main construction work is underway on site from this date
Spring 2027 – Works anticipated to finish on site
National Grid is committed to engaging with communities at every stage of the project. Our dedicated community relations team works with local residents, businesses and community groups to ensure our work causes as little disruption as possible.Prior to the beginning of the main works, we held a local information event in Summer 2024, providing an opportunity for local residents to meet the project team, learn more about our proposals and ask any queries.