The UK has set a clear ambition for our country to be a global leader in clean energy. The Government has set a commitment to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and an ambition to connect up to 50 gigawatts (GW) of offshore wind by 2030 – enough energy to power every home in the country.

The energy industry plays a key role in making this happen – from providing more sources of renewable energy, to ensuring the infrastructure is in place to transport energy to where it is needed.

The decisions we take now, to make our energy system cleaner, directly impact the future of our planet. National Grid has a critical role to play in the acceleration towards a cleaner future, and we are working to build a cleaner, fairer, and more affordable energy system that serves everyone, powering the future of our homes, transport, and industry.

Who is National Grid?

Our businesses sit at the heart of Britain’s energy system, connecting millions of people to the energy they use every day. We bring energy to life – in the heat, light and power we bring to our customers and businesses; in the way that we support our communities and help them grow; and in the way we show up in the world.

National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) owns, builds and maintains the electricity transmission network in England and Wales. It is NGET that is developing plans for Grain to Tilbury. 

What is Grain to Tilbury?

The Grain to Tilbury project is a proposed electricity infrastructure upgrade, involving the replacement of the existing 1960s Thames Cable Tunnel beneath the Thames between Tilbury and Gravesend. The existing tunnel was built in 1969 and houses 400 kilovolt (kV) transmission cables as part of National Grid's high voltage transmission network.

The existing tunnel is reaching the end of its useful life, and therefore our proposals include the construction of a new tunnel, the installation of new cabling, and the construction of two headhouses at either end of the tunnel. Strengthening the network here is vital to deliver cleaner, greener electricity efficiently, reliable, and safely and to support the UK's move to net zero.

The Grain to Tilbury proposals form part of a wider suite of infrastructure upgrades and reinforcements planned by National Grid as part of The Great Grid Upgrade, the largest overhaul of the electricity grid in generations. The Great Grid Upgrade will play a big part in the UK government’s plan to power all homes and businesses with green energy by 2030.

Grain to Tilbury construction

Find out more about our project and the works that will be required to replace the Thames Cable Tunnel.

Watch our video

Compulsory Purchase Order

National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc (“NGET”) has made the National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc (Grain to Tilbury) Compulsory Purchase Order 2024 on 14 November 2024 to enable it to acquire the land and rights necessary for the delivery and operation of the Grain to Tilbury project. A consultation on the CPO took place until Friday 20 December 2024 and has now closed.

NGET’s preference will and has always been to secure land and new rights to enable construction and operation of the Project by voluntary agreement. However, whilst good progress has been made in agreeing terms for private treaty agreements, NGET has not to date secured all of the land and rights it requires for the Project. Accordingly, it is necessary for NGET to make a compulsory purchase order.

Those affected by the CPO have been informed by a statutory notice. Now that the CPO has been made by NGET, it will be submitted to the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero for confirmation. 

There was an opportunity to object to the CPO until Friday 20 December 2024. Depending on the number and nature of objections received, the Secretary of State may decide to hold an inquiry at which an Inspector will hear evidence from NGET and any objectors before making a recommendation to the Secretary of State as to whether the CPO should be confirmed.

Further detail on the compulsory purchase process can be found in the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government Guidance on Compulsory Purchase October 2024 which is available to view and download for free online at:

You can view the CPO documents and the maps in our documents library here.

Our public consultation

To inform our proposals, we held a public consultation for the local community in Tilbury and Gravesend where attendees were able to meet the project team, review our proposals and feedback on our plans.

You can view the recordings of our Thurrock and Gravesham webinars to find out more about the project:

View the Thurrock webinar recording (18 October 2023)

View the Gravesham webinar recording (19 October 2023)
The deadline for consultation responses was Sunday 29 October 2023. Following the consultation, we carefully considered feedback received from key stakeholders and local residents.

Our applications to Thurrock Council and Gravesham Borough Council were submitted and validated in early 2024. Our applications can be viewed here: 23/01502/FUL (Thurrock) and 20231313 (Gravesham).

How to get in touch

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Contact us

For general enquiries or to register for project updates, please use our contact form below, or contact us by:

Phone: 020 3398 1599

Opening hours: 9:00am – 5:30pm


The Great Grid Upgrade

The Great Grid Upgrade is the largest overhaul of the electricity grid in generations. Our infrastructure projects across England and Wales are helping to connect more renewable energy to your homes and businesses.

Find out more