What’s involved in building a new high-voltage electricity connection?
We appreciate that construction activity can be disruptive to communities. We are very aware of this and we’re working with our contractors to reduce impact where we can. We’re building a temporary road the length of the connection to reduce the amount of construction traffic using local roads. We’re working to keep the effects of noise, light and dust created by construction to a minimum.
These are some of the activities you may see when we are working in your area.
To reduce the amount of construction traffic on local roads, we are building new temporary road accesses into our construction areas. We will remove these at the end of the project.
Where construction roads cross the local highway, we install temporary crossing points with accesses at either side. These are gated and the crossing points are either staffed using ‘Stop and Go boards’ or controlled by traffic lights when construction traffic is crossing.
The type of roads we install are dependent on ground conditions, the type of construction work and the length of time they are required. They can be made of metal, stone, or noise-reducing tarmac.