Have your say on our future business plans

Here you can find information about how we’re consulting with you and other stakeholders on our business plans. We would like to hear your views and feedback, so we can make sure our plans reflect what’s important to you.

Have your say on our future business plans

We’re currently developing our future business plans, and are involving you through an engagement process that has three phases:

  1. to establish your priorities
  2. to build the detail of our business plans with you
  3. to check our plans will deliver what you need.

We’ve completed the first phase to confirm your priorities, but we haven’t stopped listening just because this phase is complete. You can read our report or view your priorities by clicking on the links below. 

Read our Listen Report

View your priorities


Business planning timeline

We are required to submit our final business plans to Ofgem by the end of 2019 for the next regulatory price control period (RIIO-2).


Engaging with you on your priorities 

We’ll be consulting throughout 2019 and look forward to hearing your views as we develop our future business plans.

We’re now in the second phase of our engagement and will be talking to you about the themes we established from your priorities.  

Below are our latest engagement themes we’d like you to get involved in.


Playback consultation on our future business plans

For the next regulatory period, RIIO-T2, we’re developing a business plan that’s shaped by extensive engagement with you, our stakeholders.

Our playback consultation plays back what our stakeholders have told us so far so we can:

  • check that we’ve understood your feedback correctly
  • invite your views on our proposed next steps and ensure they reflect your feedback.

Although the playback consultation is now closed, you can still send us your views by emailing Gary Stokes on the link below.

Download document

Email feedback


Consultation on managing uncertainty

We are seeking your views on how we plan our business and manage uncertainty against a changing energy landscape.

This consultation is aimed at all users of our network, government, regulatory bodies, energy industry professionals and anybody who is interested in the future of electricity transmission for the RIIO-T2 regulatory period which runs from 2021/22 to 2025/26.

This consultation concludes 1 April 2019.

Download the webinar held on Wednesday 20 March 2019

Download the presentation from the webinar held on Wednesday 20 March 2019

Download the consultation document on managing uncertainty


Consultation on managing transmission network reliability

This consultation sets out to describe what National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) means by the term “reliability”, how we measure it, and how we can influence the reliability of our network.

Download the presentation from the webinar held on Tuesday 28 March

Download the questions and answers from the webinar held on Tuesday 28 March

Download the video of the webinar held on Tuesday 26 March

Download the consultation document on managing transmission network reliability

Workshop material: Poster interventions          
Workshop material: Poster bay equipment   
Workshop material:  Poster Condition assessment
Workshop material: Poster Protection and Control
Workshop material: Poster Instrument Transformers
Workshop material: Presentation NOMS Common Methodology
Workshop material:  Presentation NOMS Common methodology Annex
Workshop material: Presentation Main Slides

Harmonics consultation

We are consulting with stakeholders on the proposed management of harmonics compliance as we prepare for the next regulatory period, RIIO-2, which begins in 2021.

Download the harmonics compliance management workshop presentation

Download the harmonics management workshop summary feedback