We know that you care deeply about the future of our planet. We do too. We’ve committed to reducing our own emissions to net zero by 2050 and to being at the heart of a clean, fair and affordable energy future.
GYECC has now ended. Thank you for your interest and participation.
As a Principal Partner for COP26, National Grid hosted the Global Youth Engineering Climate Conference; bringing together other principal partners and a wide variety of global organizations, societies and networks, creating an exciting and dynamic virtual global program.
You can still watch the four interactive workstreams from the conference, which were themed around key issues for the green energy transition and developed by members of the National Grid UK and US graduate program:
Workstream 1: Green skills and how to be an agent of change
Workstream 2: Access to energy for zero carbon communities
Workstream 3: Engaging generations – green change starts with the individual
No matter the location, or how diverse the local energy challenges are, as the next generation of young leaders the future of our planet is in your hands.
As the world begins to move away from traditional sources of power generation towards the exciting and impactful world of renewables and low-carbon alternatives, National Grid and our partners invited you to join a virtual conference where you could shape your role in powering the green energy transition.
This was a unique event shaped by our own US and UK graduates, with support from young professionals working for our event partners.
Better and cleaner energy is key to tackling climate change and you joined a wide range of inspirational speakers, fellow attendees and panellists who shared best practice evidence of reliable, economic, ultra-low and zero carbon grids already in operation around the world.
However, this is not the reality everywhere. As they navigate their green energy transition, attendees from a diverse range of nations shared the practical realities of cultural, societal and technical challenges that they face. They also shared insights into how they are addressing them, which included:
access to electricity, resources and skills
electrification of transport
the challenges of new infrastructure in remote areas
Smarter and cleaner energy generation will bring more secure, affordable and renewable energy to everyone. By coming together at this conference, we shared our collective power and voice for the chance to have a bigger impact.
This conference was for 16 to 35-year olds, whether studying or already actively working and established in engineering or related fields; such as automation, cyber security, environmental science or artificial intelligence.
Together we make a difference to the planet. Through collaboration we made sure that our voices were heard and combined to have a bigger impact.
To maximise opportunities to join this event across international time zones, the conference program took place during the afternoon/evening of day one and was repeated the next morning with translation support provided.
Participants were able to take part in a number of virtual forums – including workstreams on green skills, engaging generations, zero carbon communities, green policy and zero carbon energy systems – as well as networking to engage on key issues relating to climate change, actively co-creating practical solutions accessible for all. The workstreams and spaces were developed and managed by National Grid US and UK graduates.
A wide range of international partners also hosted virtual exhibition stands and display areas, covering a broad spectrum of green energy thinking and best practice, including several leading global engineering membership organizations. There were also opportunities to book individual chats with exhibitors and partners.