Electric and gas energy efficiency and demand response are foundational elements of the pathway to net zero. By 2030, we’ll need to double the rate of energy efficiency retrofits across our region, while focusing additional efforts in particular locations where reducing peak energy consumption can reduce the need for new infrastructure.
By 2030, we plan to reduce energy consumption in our company facilities by 20% from a 2019 baseline through energy efficiency measures.
Our New York efficiency programs are on track to nearly-double the level of gas and electric savings from 2020 to 2025, reaching more than 3.6 million dekatherms (Dth) of natural gas and over 525,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) of electric energy savings. At least 20% of all program spending will be dedicated to serving income-eligible customers, including no-cost home insulation.
In Massachusetts, our programs plan to deliver 1.7 million Dth of natural gas savings and 196,000 MWh of electric energy savings per year by 2024. At least 20% of all gas program spending and at least 10% of all electric spending will be dedicated to income-eligible customers. By 2024, the portfolio will deliver 460,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e) reductions.
In Rhode Island, our programs plan to deliver 440,000 Dth of natural gas savings and 132,000 MWh of electric energy savings by 2023.
Our customer energy efficiency programs again rated in the top 5 in the United States per the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy – Massachusetts was #2, Rhode Island was #4, and New York was #5 – as of December 2020.
In 2020, despite the impacts of the COVID-19 global pandemic, our U.S. programs achieved 3,553,960 Dth of natural gas savings and 1,228,778 MWh of electric savings and included more than 21,000 virtual home energy audits.
In Central New York, National Grid has partnered with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to launch a residential energy savings pilot using advanced metering. The pilot’s innovative business model is designed to demonstrate the potential for market-based financing for energy efficiency to help deliver the next level of scale in this sector.
We have launched a ground-breaking plan in our Downstate New York region, to address rapidly-growing customer heating demand through alternatives to new infrastructure, including intensive building weatherization (such as insulation), demand response (reducing customers’ peak period gas use), heat electrification, and other potential market solutions.