National Grid is consulting on its detailed plans for the Yorkshire Green Energy Enablement (GREEN) Project. The public consultation will open on Thursday 28 October and will run for six weeks, until Thursday 9 December 2021.
With more energy coming from offshore wind, a new connection from Scotland, and an interconnector from Europe into the North East, the Yorkshire GREEN Project is needed to deliver this new clean energy to homes and businesses.
National Grid plans to create a new link and reinforce the existing electricity network. The proposals include new and upgraded overhead lines, two new substations, one to the north west of York, and another near the existing Monk Fryston substation, some pylon and wire replacement, four cable sealing end compounds with short sections of underground cables and some new equipment at existing substations.
This is a statutory consultation. It will give local communities the opportunity to see how their comments from the previous round of consultation have been taken into account and to provide further comments on the plans before National Grid submits a planning application to the Planning Inspectorate in winter 2022/23.
The Yorkshire GREEN proposals span several local authority areas, including North Yorkshire District Council, Hambleton District Council, City of York Council, Leeds City Council, Harrogate Borough Council and Selby District Council.
National Grid is writing to local residents and more details of the project can be found on the project website
Residents, businesses, and community groups across Yorkshire are being encouraged to provide feedback, which will help inform the final design of the Yorkshire GREEN Project proposals.
When complete, the Yorkshire GREEN Project will help support the Government’s aim for every home in the country to be powered by offshore wind by the end of the decade by providing a new connection which responds to clean energy growth.
Sheena Froggatt, National Grid’s Yorkshire GREEN Lead Project Manager, said: “The Yorkshire GREEN Project will provide the capacity to manage growing energy demand and the massive increase in clean energy that is coming onto the transmission system, supporting national and local Net Zero targets and ambitious Government plans to provide 40GW of electricity from offshore wind by 2030.
“We’ve carefully considered all the earlier feedback we received on our plans and we are now seeking your views on our more detailed proposals.
“We’re looking forward to meeting people at our public consultation events and have also organised online webinar events to give everyone the opportunity to speak to the project team. We’re encouraging everyone to get involved in our consultation and visit the project website.”
To find out more, please visit the Yorkshire GREEN website.