The way we generate electricity in the UK is changing rapidly, and we are transitioning to cheaper, cleaner, and more secure forms of energy like new offshore windfarms. 

The Government has set a commitment to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and has an ambition to connect 50 GW of offshore wind by 2030 – enough to power every home in the country. 

This means we need to make changes to the network of pylons, cables and substations that transport electricity around the country, so that everyone has access to clean electricity from these new renewable sources. 

Our existing substation at Norwich Main has been in service for around 50 years. The time has now come when we need to extend the site to enable new sources of electricity generation to connect into the grid, including the Hornsea Project Three offshore wind farm, the Equinor Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon wind farm extensions. 

Three sets of works are planned to be undertaken at the site: 

  • a western extension, for which we need planning permission from South Norfolk Council
  • an eastern extension, which will be built on existing National Grid land. Further details on the planning process for this will be confirmed in the coming months
  • a small upgrade of existing equipment, extending into existing National Grid land just north of the existing substation, known as ‘Grid Park’.

Further information on each of the above works, a map, and visualisations showing the eastern and western extensions can be seen below.   

Map showing proposed works.
Map showing proposed works. View larger image.
Close-up indicative visualisation of the existing substation (centre) and proposed western extension (left) and eastern extension (right). View larger image

Western Extension 

Thank you to everyone who took the time to take part in our public consultation on our proposals to extend the existing Norwich Main substation.

We have now submitted our planning application for the western extension to South Norfolk Council. The planning application and accompanying documents are available to view on South Norfolk and Broadland’s planning website, which can be accessed at: The planning reference number is 2024/1336

We’ve carefully considered your comments and suggestions, along with the findings from environmental surveys and assessments. These have helped develop our plans in more detail.

Our proposals also reflect feedback on our Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening report received from South Norfolk Council in January 2024.

We are anticipating a decision on our planning application in Summer 2024. If approved, works would start on site for the western extension, from September 2024, and would run until the end of 2026. 

Our public consultation on our proposals was held from 6 November to 8 December 2023. You can view all our consultation documents and materials below.   

Norwich Main substation extension – Leaflet 

Norwich Main substation extension – Exhibition banners 

Norwich Main substation extension – Feedback form 

Eastern Extension 

The eastern extension is being developed under Permitted Development rights on existing National Grid land.

We expect to start work on site for the eastern extension in June 2024. This will initially consist of topsoil removal and construction of the new temporary internal site access road and laydown area.

Grid Park

Work on site for the Grid Park development, located to the north of the existing substation on National Grid land, started in early April 2024.

This development is taking place under Permitted Development rights and involved the installation of some new, additional equipment which is similar to that currently located in the existing substation.


Where is it substation located?

Norwich Main substation is located approximately 3 miles south of the city of Norwich, to the west of the A140 and south of the A47. The village of Dunston is to the west, and Swardeston to the east.  

How big are the extensions?

The western extension will be approximately 5 hectares in size, similar to the existing substation. The eastern extension will be up to a hectare in size.

Will any new overhead line or pylons be required?

No additional overhead lines or pylons will be required as part of the project. Three existing 132 kV pylons located to the south of the substation will be removed and replaced with a short section of underground cable to enable the extension. 

When will construction start, and how long will it last for?

 We expect to begin construction on the western extension in September 2024, subject to receiving planning permission from South Norfolk Council.

How will construction traffic access the site?

Construction traffic would use the existing site access from Mangreen. Within the site, a new temporary access road will be built, in addition to the existing road. 

The majority of this temporary new road would be constructed as part of the Grid Park development. The short remaining section would be built as part of any planning approval for the substation extension. 

What interaction does the Norwich Main substation extension have with Norwich to Tilbury?

The extension of the substation is separate to our proposals for the Norwich to Tilbury project, which is proposed to connect into Norwich Main. The substation extension is needed to connect the Hornsea Project Three offshore wind farm, and the Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon offshore wind farm extensions. It would also facilitate the connection of Norwich to Tilbury, should that project be consented. 

Would the extension still be needed if Norwich to Tilbury did not get consented?

Yes, the substation extensions would still be required to connect new offshore wind generation.

Female LPT worker

Contact Us

Please get in touch if you have any questions or comments on the Norwich Main Substation extension proposals.

Phone number: 0800 138 2831 


Email: [email protected]