SP Energy Network’s latest public consultation
SP Energy Networks consulted on its early proposals for Cross Border Connection in Scotland from September to December 2024.
Since this round of consultation, SP Energy Networks has made modifications to its early proposals and is undertaking a further round of consultation.
This consultation is open from Monday 24 March to Friday 2 May 2025.
More information can be found on its dedicated project webpage.
Cross Border Connection is a proposal to develop a new electricity connection between a location near Lauder in the Scottish Borders and the Carlisle area.
It is designed to both strengthen the electricity network between Scotland and England for increased home-produced renewable energy and connect new proposed onshore windfarms in the Scottish Borders to the network.
Cross Border Connection will contribute to The Great Grid Upgrade. The upgrade is the largest overhaul of the electricity grid in generations, ensuring the UK can successfully make the switch to clean, affordable and home-produced energy.
NGET is responsible for developing elements of the project in England and SP Energy Networks for the elements in Scotland.
We are currently in an early stage of development for the English elements of the project, with the types and general locations of new infrastructure in the initial stages of being explored.
This year we plan to hold our first round of public consultation, known as a non-statutory consultation, at which point we will share more detail about the project in England, including the proposed types and general locations of infrastructure.
We’re currently at an earlier stage than SP Energy Networks. Scotland and England have individual consenting regimes, that each have different policy and legal requirements. This has resulted in our differing timelines for public consultation.
SP Energy Networks consulted on its early proposals in Scotland from September to December 2024, with a second round of consultation on modifications to its early proposals taking place March to May 2025. More information can be found on its dedicated project webpage.
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We plan on holding a first round of public consultation this year, at which point we will share more detail about the project in England, including the proposed types and general locations of infrastructure. The public consultation will be publicised in advance of it starting.
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