Introducing Wiltshire Search and Rescue

Wiltshire Search and Rescue is a local voluntary organisation which locates high-risk and vulnerable missing persons, provides lifesaving medical care and returns people to a place of safety across Wiltshire.

The team uses farmers’ fields close to the North Wessex Downs VIP project to carry out essential training exercises.

Wiltshire Search and Rescue is a voluntary organisation deployed at the request of the emergency services. Their primary aim is to find high-risk, vulnerable missing people, provide lifesaving medical care and return them to a place of safety.  

The team works with a variety of organisations, including local councils and utilities providers, to provide help during incidents like flooding or in other adverse weather conditions. 

During 2023, the Wiltshire Search and Rescue team was called upon 94 times. All 100 members are unpaid volunteers who give up their time to support the local community. Members gave over 25,000 hours of their time responding to incidents, training, fundraising and general administration. 

The team spends significant time each week training across all disciplines, which sometimes includes using the fields next to the North Wessex Downs VIP project. 

National Grid has been working closely with the Wiltshire Search and Rescue team to ensure that the work for the project does not affect these activities and that training can safely continue during construction. 

All of the funding for Wiltshire Search and Rescue comes from public donations and grants generated through fundraising. Their current focus is delivering a new Incident Support Unit (ISU) to support their work in the community.

The organisation is always looking for new members and regularly run meet and greet sessions for those interesting in joining. You can find out more information about how to join as a volunteer on its website

Simon Langley, project manager for National Grid said: “The Wiltshire Search and Rescue volunteers carry out crucial, lifesaving work across the county and we’re very pleased to be able to support such an important organisation working so close to the VIP project”. 

“All of the project team will be making every effort to ensure that volunteers are able to continue to their invaluable training activity as we continue our work in the local area”. 

Photo credit: Wiltshire Search and Rescue