Here you can find information about how we’re consulting with you and other stakeholders on our business plans. We would like to hear your views and feedback, so we can make sure our plans reflect what’s important to you.
We regularly consult with our stakeholders on our current business plans. Below, you can find details of our latest consultations, as well as information for stakeholders and how to get in touch to share your feedback with us.
In 2017 we consulted on what you need from our network in terms of reliability, our future role, how we connect customers, the environment, and how we work with communities.
We’ve published a summary of the feedback we received from our stakeholders, which you can download here.
We concluded our consultation on network output measures in June 2018. If you have any questions or would like to contact us about the consultation, please email us at:
Here you can view webinars and read or download reports, consultation documents and blogs relating to our business planning activities. Simply click on the relevant link below.
Read Gary Stokes' blog about the Environment Workshop.
Read Chris Harris' blog about the benefits of an electricity transmission network for the consumers of the future.
Read Chris Harris' blog about the need of an electricity transmission network in a decentralised future.
The webinar on the transparency and reporting, held on 7th November, is now available to watch.
The report from our Environment Workshop is now available.
The results summary of the Environmental Consultation are now available
The slides we used at the event at Sandown Park on 26 June 2018 are now available.
The slides that we used at our resilience workshop on 23rd October 2018 are now available to view.
The slides from our innovation workshop that was held on the 17th July 2018 are now available to download.
This consultation sets out to describe what National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) means by the term “reliability”, how we measure it, and how we can influence the reliability of our network.
Download the presentation from the webinar held on Tuesday 28 March
Download the questions and answers from the webinar held on Tuesday 28 March
Download the video of the webinar held on Tuesday 26 March
Download the consultation document on managing transmission network reliability
We want to continue listening to your feedback about our RIIO-2 business plan, so we can make sure our plan reflects what’s important to you. If you have comments about our plans or would like more information, please contact our Stakeholder Manager.
For information on how the energy networks work for you, please visit Ofgem's website.
In December 2018, we published our latest stakeholder newsletter. You can download it here.